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Paris etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Paris etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Paris and Aphrodite Greek Mythology

Paris and Aphrodite Greek Mythology Paris was the third and final mortal who was blessed with seeing Aphrodite naked. This happened when he was tasked with judging who of the three goddesses –&nb...

Paris Under German Occupation During WW2: Color Pics By Andre Zucca

France had a relatively easier time under German occupation during World War Two. That is because Hitler did not consider West Europeans as 'Untermenschen'. The infamous German brutality was reserved for the Russians.It shows in the following images of Paris under German occupation. “These images were...

Riding the Rails: Paris to Barcelona

July 23, 2011 -- After a brief one day visit to Paris, I hopped on a TGV high-speed train heading south from Gare de Lyon railway station to Spain through the French countryside and Mediterranean coast via Nimes, Montpelier-Saint-Roch, Sete, Agde, Beziers, Narbonne and Perpignan . After a transfer at...

Summer 2011: Paris, France

July 22-23, 2011 -- Paris was the fifth city I visited on my summer trip to Europe after London, Brussels, Berlin and Prague. It was a very brief visit to the City of Light, but with a rented bicycle I covered a lot of ground in one day. And since the Tour de France would wind its way to the finish...

Riding the Rails: Prague to Paris

July 21-22, 2011 -- After two days exploring Prague, I took an overnight Deutsche Bahn City Night Line train to Cologne and then transferred to a Thalys high-speed train that took me to my next destination on this summer's rail trip through Europe -- Paris, France.Prague's modern train station is attached...

All Glamour & the Bests in Paris

As of the writing of this article, the artistry tennis grand slam in clay is just around the corner, so I’m inspired to enumerate the best sights and attractions in Paris before sitting inside the box of Court Philippe Chartier.As you all expected; every inch of square in Paris is bounded with rich...