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 Filenews 10 November 2020

Two fires broke out today in the Paphos State Forest from a lightning strike.

According to the announcement of the Department of Forests, the first fire occurred around 14:25 at the location "Choreri", in the heart of the Paphos State Forest. Thanks to the timely intervention of a 10-member team of hikers, the fire came under full control around 4 p.m., before spreading.

The second fire occurred around 14:30 at the "Sounupi" site, within the Paphos State Forest. The intervention of the fire fighting forces was immediate, resulting in the fire being brought under control at 14:50, before it spread.

Four (4) people from the Department of Forestry were involved in extinguishing it with a fire truck.

13 areas without power

Power outage from noon onwards prevails in a total of 13 areas of Paphos province, as heavy rainfall and lightning fall.

Detailed weather

Unstable mass gusts will affect the region by Thursday.

In the evening the weather will be partly cloudy and it is not excluded that local light rains will fall. Winds will blow northwest to northeast and locally southeast, patients 3 beaufort. The sea will be calm but become a little agitated. The temperature will drop to 12 degrees inland, around 16 degrees on the coast and 8 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tomorrow the weather will initially be partly cloudy but will gradually become mostly cloudy and local rains and isolated storms are expected. In a storm area, hail is likely to fall. Winds will initially blow variable, 3 beauforts to later become mainly southeast to southwest, up to moderate 3 to 4 beauforts. The sea's going to be a little rough. The temperature will rise to around 25 degrees inland and on the coast and to 15 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tomorrow night the weather will be partly cloudy and it is not excluded that local light rains will fall. Winds will blow northwest to northeast and to the north coast southeast, patients 3 beaufort. The sea will be calm until a little agitated. On Thursday the weather will be partly cloudy and isolated rains and isolated storms are expected from time to time.

On Friday and Saturday the weather will be mostly calm but temporarily there will be increased clouds. The temperature will be at the same levels on Thursday, which are close to seasonal average. A slight rise is expected for Friday and Saturday.

Source: eyenews



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