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 Filenews 11 November 2020 - by  Dora Christodoulou

The surprise and disappointment is from this morning the dominant feelings in the province of Paphos with the announcement of yesterday's decision of the Bid Review Authority on the basis of which the offer for the construction of the new Paphos-Polis road fell. This time, both the competent Ministry of Communications, Transport and Works, as well as the Parliament and the local bodies, took it for granted that the Review would reject the appeal of the second bidder, since it was considered that the procedure followed for awarding the project was exemplary.

The negative development, however, even with the marginal 3-2, caused feelings of frustration in the province of Paphos, since for the umpteenth time they see the same work being repeated, as in the case of the Paphos marina. Although everyone in their first reaction expressed optimism that the delay would be a few months before the process was re-launched to the Tender Council, however having the negative example of the endless procedures for the marina many pafites predict that the Paphos-Polis road will prove to be another "Achilles heel" for the development of the province.

Commenting today on the rejection of the award of the tender by the Tender Review Authority, the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Giannis Karousos, expressed confidence that within 2-3 months the procedures will be re-completed in order to promote the award of the major project.

The matter comes up again after this development in the Tender Council, he stressed, in order to prepare it as soon as possible and with the correct procedures that will prevent a new judicial appeal. It considered that the whole procedure would be a few months, referring to a period of two or three months.

For his part, the chairman of the competent committee of the House, MP Paphos Charalambos Pitkopitis, spoke of a setback from the Authority's decision.

"All the information that came before us in the past period spoke of a positive outcome," he stressed. "But now, even with this marginal majority, the result is negative and the procedures must be reviewed and proceed rapidly so that any obstacles can be overcome soon.

It is good that Mr Karousos is convinced that the whole process will be re-launched in a few months' time and that we are not talking about cancelling the project."

The disappointment of the institutions and citizens of the Department of Chrysochous was expressed by the Mayor of The City and Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Municipality and Communities of The District of Chrysochous, Giotis Papachristofi.

"There is frustration, but unfortunately that is the law," he said. "For our part we will immediately request a series of contacts with the relevant ministry and the state departments involved so that the process can be re-launched without delay.

This 3-2 decision, I admit, is difficult to understand, but it shows that the obstacles are not as insurmountable as possible and that with good preparation we will come back immediately. Our region has been trying for 15 years for this project, we cannot afford another 15 years."



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