Bayram Cigerli Blog

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 Filenews 15 October 2020

In light of what has come to light with regard to the video broadcast by Al Jazeera, the Board of Registered Realtors specifies that the two persons from the United Kingdom who appear to have come forward and acted as real estate agents are not registered in the Registers of Registered Estate Agents and Assistant Realtors maintained by the Council.

In a communication, the Council condemns in the strongest possible way what has been done, and states that, in cooperation with the Police, it will proceed immediately to investigate the case for possible criminal offences.

The SEK asks for the support of the State and the Legal Service for the effective fight against and exemplary punishment of the illegal exercise of the profession of real estate agent, "since it affects the prestige of real estate transactions and consolidates tax evasion, thus distorting Cyprus abroad with their actions".



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