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 Filenews 7 0ctober 2020

Rich countries could return to normal by the end of 2021 if a vaccine against COVID-19 works, is ready and distributed appropriately on a wide scale, billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates said today.

"By the end of next year, things may be very close to normal -- that's the best case scenario," said 64-year-old Gates, speaking to the WSJ (Wall Street Journal CEO Council) board of directors.

"We don't know yet whether these vaccines will succeed," Gates said. Noting that it will take time for sufficient amounts of vaccines to be produced, he stressed that "the distribution within the United States and between the US and other countries will be a major point of contention".

Vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and AstraZeneca with Oxford University are two of the leading candidates in the race to receive regulatory approval in the West to prevent COVID-19.

Gates added that in the United States citizens should consider ways to limit the hesitation about vaccinating them against COVID-19 when a vaccine is ready.

When asked about Russian and Chinese vaccines, he replied that Western companies are going further in Phase III studies.

"One Russian structure and six of the Chinese structures are perfectly valid structures indeed with some similarities to what Western companies do, but Western companies are even further ahead in carrying out these three studies.

Source: Eyenews / RES-IPA


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