Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive


 Filenews 28 October 2020 - by Michalis Hatzivasilis

After more than 13 years of processes, decisions and overturns, the offer for the installation of a photo-stamping system, the well-known cameras of traffic, was awarded.

The Bid Board has approved the offer to the consortium of Companies Conduent State and Local Solutions Inc. for the amount of €34,076,970 related to the installation and maintenance of the system. It is an American company and was selected from among:

  1. Pol Cam Systems Sp. z o.o. at a cost of €26,999,997
  2. Logicom Solutions Ltd (€34.785.078)
  3. Avonside Holdings GmbH (€32.748.880)
  4. Egis Projects (€36.335.001,11).

This development ends an arid course of endless processes that stuck with technocrats, while in three cases the tenders were re-launched and cancelled. In fact, several times a decision had been taken to call for tenders, but it was subsequently overturned and we were the only country in Europe without a system of road surveillance cameras.

The previous photo-pointing system was reported in 2007 while it was in a pilot phase and since then the only cameras hung on the streets were the two on Griva Digeni Avenue in Nicosia and these after fatal accidents. In terminating this offer, the State, following a settlement, paid the tendering party who brought the action to the Court of Justice around EUR 5 million in compensation.

The Bid Board has already informed the four companies concerned that did not win the tender and now have 15 plus 2 days to register an appeal with the Bid Review Authority. In fact, it is not out of the question that some of the affected people could apply for interim measures, i.e. that the relevant contracts should not be signed with the company which won the tender until the appeal has been heard.

The Contracting Authority of the project, which is the Department of Electromechanical Research, expects that there will be appeals but it is not excluded that it will ask the Review Authority as they are considered as a matter of priority in order to proceed with the project. According to the competition, the system includes the supply, installation, maintenance, and operation of ninety (90) fixed photo-ting cameras to detect violations of red, stop line and speed in traffic lights and twenty (20) mobile photo-stamping cameras to detect speed.



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