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94 NEW CASES ON FRIDAY, plus update re locations of new cases found on Thursday

 Filenews 16 October 2020

First, re the cases on Thursday, specifically in Limassol 61 cases were detected, in Nicosia twelve were detected, in Larnaca seven, in Paphos eight, in the British Bases two and one resident abroad.

At the same time twelve incidents are under investigation after they were not contacted by the tracing team.

New cases of COVID-19 disease reached 94 on Friday.

According to an update received by the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit from contracting laboratories, a total of 3,084 laboratory diagnoses identified 94 new cases.

The incidents are under investigation and more information will be provided when their tracing is complete.

It is noted that on the basis of the data so far the total number of cases amounts to 2,379.

The competent Ministry states that through the process of tracing contacts of already confirmed cases 350 laboratory diagnoses were completed, while through a private initiative 1,075 laboratory tests were carried out.

In addition, 757 laboratory tests were completed in the context of the control of passengers and repatriated persons, while 164 laboratory tests were completed by the Microbiological Laboratories of the General Hospitals.

In addition, samples taken under the control programme of pupils, teachers and school staff completed 15 laboratory tests, while under the laboratory testing programme, carried out in villages of Larnaca and Famagusta Provinces, 356 laboratory diagnoses were carried out.

In addition, 44 laboratory diagnoses were carried out as part of the programme of referrals by Personal Physicians and special teams through the Public Health Clinics, samples taken under the laboratory control programme carried out in nursing homes and other structures were carried out and 33 laboratory diagnoses were carried out and samples taken as part of a sample check carried out by the COP in Associations participating in the , 290 laboratory tests were completed.

In addition, as reported by the Ministry of Health at Famagusta General Hospital, ten people tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are being treated, while two patients remain intubated in the Intensive Care Unit of nicosia General Hospital.

Source: eyenews



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