Bayram Cigerli Blog

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 Filenews 16 August 2020

Seven cases announced today Sunday. According to data from the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health, out of a total of 2,475 laboratory diagnoses, 7 cases of SARS-CoV-2 were detected.

In particular, the cases identified relate to:

  • from flights
  1. The 1st person is a Nigerian, a permanent resident of Cyprus who returned yesterday via Athens and took the test at the airport. He's asymptomatic.
  2. The other 2 people returned yesterday from Thessaloniki on the same flight, but they are not related to each other. One is Greek, a permanent resident of Cyprus who had gone on holiday to Greece. The second person is Cypriot, permanent resident of Germany.
  • 1 from a private initiative: This is a person of Cypriot origin who did the test privately due to symptoms.
  • 2 by random sampling
  1. 1 person has symptoms and took the test through random sampling. He's from Larnaca.
  2. The 2nd person has no symptoms and is also from Larnaca
  • 1 from Public Health Clinics: This is a person who was referred to the Public Health Clinics by his Personal Physician due to symptoms.

Based on the data so far, the total number of positive cases is 1,339.

In addition, the Famagusta General Hospital was given a discharge and, therefore, up to this time two COVID-19patients are being treated, one of whom is in the Increased Care Unit.

Source: eyenews



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