Bayram Cigerli Blog

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05-08-2020 10:52

Instructions and precautionary measures against the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in health providing areas

In the context of actions being implemented for the protection of members of the public from the pandemic SARS-CoV-2 virus and in particular the vulnerable sections of the population, including patients, the Ministry of Health highlights the following precautionary measures which must be upheld in hospitals and clinics by the patients, visitors and the personnel.

1. Checks at the entrance to the clinics

1.1.        The management of the clinic must keep a registration record of patients/visitors/escorts, writing down possible symptoms, temperature measurement of individuals and the details of the doctor/patient to be visited.

1.2.        Visits should be confined to those absolutely necessary and to a restricted number of visitors, with access to the clinic allowed only by special permit of the management and with a fixed appointment.

1.3.        It follows that an Officer and contact telephones for fixing appointments must be announced by the management of each clinic.

1.4.        It is understood that these instructions shall be adjusted separately by each clinic due their different policy and mode of operation.

1.5.        Before proceeding to the sorting point, the visitors/escorts shall be checked for possible infection symptoms of the higher respiratory system (fever, decimal fever movement, cough, pharyngalgia, runny nose).  In the case of positive responses they should not be allowed to enter the health service areas. The sorting process of visitors must be particularly meticulous in the cases of high risk hospitalized patients (e.g. immunosuppressed patients).

1.6.        Temperature should be taken before patients/visitors/escorts are allowed into the clinic.

1.7.        In entering the clinic, patients/visitorss/escorts should make use of a simple surgical face mask and hand sanitizer.

1.8.        In the case where it is necessary for escorts to stay with the patients during their hospitalization (e.g. under-age children) the measures of personal hygiene and precaution, as well as social distancing, should be observed. The escorts have to remain strictly in the patient’s room and avoid being present at handlings which risk causing aerosol release or during sample taking for laboratory testing. Depending on the case, the wearing of suitable personal protection equipment is recommended.

1.9.        Entrances should be regulated so as to avoid crowding in the clinic areas.

2. Disinfectants should be placed at all entrances to the clinic, elevators and health areas.

3. Patients/visitors/escorts are obliged to maintain the social distancing measures, apply rigorous hand hygiene and wear a simple surgical face mask throughout their stay in the clinic premises.

4. The entire personnel of the clinic must make use of Personal Protective Equipment.

5. Information on personal safety measures should be displayed at the entrances and reception areas.

 6. All precautionary measures announced by the Ministry of Health and arising from the Decrees and Protocols in force should be complied with. All information is available at

In each case, all members of the public who visit the clinics either for reasons of health or as escorts of patients are obliged to maintain the personal protection measures stemming from the relevant protocols.

( DC )



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