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A Guide to Better Oblique Training: The Transverse Plane

Humans have the capacity to move freely and seamlessly through three different planes of motion: the sagittal plane, the frontal plane, and the transverse plane. Many strength programs utilize several different exercises in the first two (sagittal and frontal) planes, but neglect the transverse plane altogether. In order to perform well across a broad range of tasks, we must prepare our bodies for movements in all three planes. The transverse plane employs the smaller, stabilizer muscles, rather than the big prime movers. It is is equally important (if not more important) to focus on the development of these stabilizer muscles as that of the bigger muscle groups.

Chill with the side raises and try some new exercises.
CrossFitters, bodybuilders, Strongmen weightlifters and powerlifters become tremendously strong in the sagittal and frontal planes as the result of their training, but movements like burpees or barbell curls will do virtually nothing to strengthen rotational movements. The obliques, and their synergists, work to laterally flex the spine. The prime action of the internal and external obliques, however, is spinal rotation. A thrower of any sort will have extremely powerful obliques (on one side, at least). An athlete who predominantly participates in one of the aforementioned sports should incorporate more exercises in the transverse plane into his routine.

Enter the transverse plane. Rotational movements are very common in everyday life and in sport. Anytime we stop short and turn around, or any time we have to stabilize ourselves on one side (e.g. single leg Romanian deadlift) we are moving in the transverse plane. For athletes who participate in sports like tennis, soccer, baseball or tennis, adequate training in the transverse plane is crucial in order to perform well and prevent injury.

A study in 2008 published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Physical Therapy found that individuals who had decreased function in the muscles responsible for movement in the transverse plane experienced a greater strain on their achilles tendons while running.

Training in the transverse plane may also be beneficial in preventing ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries. According to orthopedist Dr. Boden, "young women are two to eight times more likely than their male counterparts to injure [the ACL]." A study in 2003 attempted to find out why this is the case. Researchers carefully analyzed the gaits and knee angles 20 female recreational runners. They found that the female group's hip and knee mechanics in the transverse plane were vastly different from those of the male group. The necessary protocol, researchers concluded, was a training program to develop strength of the lower extremities, with particular focus on strengthening external rotation.

Image of the Functional Line from Thomas Myers's "Anatomy Trains"

While squats, deadlifts, and shoulder presses are all fabulous exercises for increasing strength, those will only get you so far. If you're serious about improving your athletic performance and you want to avoid injury (which I would imagine you do), then add some exercises in the transverse plane into your routine. So what type of exercise can you do in the transverse plane? Any single limb exercise will work wonders: single arm shoulder presses, single leg Romanian deadlifts, single leg squats, single arm push-ups, and so on. In all of these exercises, your stabilizer muscles are working hard to prevent you from rotating or falling over. Jumps in which the athlete much change direction in the air are also beneficial, as this directly mirrors the demands of many sports. Last, but not least, are the "chopping" movements. Get creative here! You can use cables to resemble chopping wood, or you can actually chop some wood! Use a sledgehammer and hit a tire or stand sideways and throw a medicine ball at a wall. All of these exercises will make your stabilizer muscles (your obliques, your gluteus medius, your piriformis, and so on) fire like crazy.

Now, you might be wondering what type of movements you can do in this plane. Here are some of my favorites:

  1. Single leg Romanian deadlifts (preferably barefoot)
  2. Turkish get-ups
  3. Cable chop (upper to lower)
  4. Cable chop (lower to upper)
  5. Sledge hammer chops
  6. Lateral medicine ball throws
  7. Single arm overhead squats
  8. Punches or kicks on a punching bag
  9. Zig zag sprints
  10. Single leg 180 degree jumps

A good training program is one that is all inclusive, and machines can only get you so far. If you utilize exercises in the transverse plane at least 1-2 times you week will you take your training to the next level and simultaneously prevent injury. Remember: just because you can't see a muscle in the mirror doesn't mean you don't need to activate it and strengthen it!

Works Cited:

  1. Lafiandra, M., K.g Holt, R.c Wagenaar, and J.p Obusek. "Transverse Plane Kinetics during Treadmill Walking with and without a Load." Clinical Biomechanics 17.2 (2002): 116-22. Web.
  2. Myers, Thomas W. Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2001. Print.
  3. Nyland, J. A., D. N. M. Caborn, R. Shapiro, and D. L. Johnson. "Fatigue after Eccentric Quadriceps Femoris Work Produces Earlier Gastrocnemius and Delayed Quadriceps Femoris Activation during Crossover Cutting among Normal Athletic Women." Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 5.3 (1997): 162-67. Web.
  4. Shimokochi, Yohei, and Sandra J. Shultz. "Mechanisms of Noncontact Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury." Journal of Athletic Training 43.4 (2008): 396-408. Web.

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