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Imobispy Pro is one of the finest cell phone spying software on the market with very affordable 1 year price. Its 74,95$ 1 year for Imobispy Pro. This is very satisfying application provides advance features for the costumer who wants exact remote surveillance for their targeted cell phones.

With Imobispy Pro people can get call recording and call listening remotely form their online control panel, surround sound listening ,full multimedia file views and track of most popular instant message platforms like whatsapp, facebook ,skype and viber.

Here is the most advance functions of imobispy pro

Call Listening
This is one of the latest features to be included in Imobispy. You can listen to phone conversations that are made from your target's phone.

Environment listening allows you to listen all the surrounded voices that comes from your targeted cell phone when he or she is talking on the phone. These conversations will be sent to your unique account and you can listen this whenever you want.

Imobispy can also track the text messages sent and received via viber. It can also track calls made via viber, exchange of photos and group chat....

Imobispy is a wondrous spying software that lets you see and monitor the BlackBerry Messenger Chats and conversation. Whatever chats are done via the target BlackBerry smartphone, will get displayed to you

Facebook is a social networking site or you can say giant and is used by all age groups users. It doesn’t matter who are your targets. It is pretty sure that all of them uses Facebook.

If your target is using WhatsApp messenger to send and receive messages, photos and videos through their smartphone


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