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My Cup Runeth Over (Weekend Recap)

Before I start to write about my weekend, I want to thank you guys so, so, so much for the emails, comments, and texts about my doctor's appointments on Friday. I have made so many incredible friends through Blogging and I am so thankful for all of the advice and well wishes I received from you all. After a couple of weeks of going through a plethora of medical testing and labs, I have been diagnosed with "Restless Leg Syndrome". I started medication and I have been able to sleep again. Thank you, God! I can manage the pain, but it was the not sleeping part that was driving me crazy. I also thankful that one of the reliefs with RLS is exercise.

Speaking of which, I lost 5.2 pounds last week. I have have absolutely no idea why it was that much. I worked hard with my training, but my carbohydrate intake was increased as well since my training was harder. However, it was clean carbohydrates. My total down since 11/25/13: 36.8 pounds! I am only 10 pounds away from finishing my 2013 damage control, ha. We just have to keep pushing!

Last week was a hard week all around. My leg pain being more than usual was a big part, but also a lot of emotional stress from 1 year ago. I have written about what happened to me last year at this time. It was one year ago from Friday. And on March 12th, it will be one year ago that I almost died from hemorrhaging. I have mostly healed from it, but knowing that it was exactly 1 year ago at the time, makes me feel a lot of those emotions again. My life is so different now. It's just overwhelming to think about it. The best way to take my mind off of those things was to spend the weekend with my family. Friday afternoon after I finally left my specialists office, I threw my suitcase together and drove up to my dad's.

I arrived to my dad and step mom's house around 4 and all I could think about was going to bed. However, daddy had other plans! He was in good spirits so I wanted to make the best of it. He, my step mom, and I ran errands then went out to dinner. When got back to their house we sat around talking about catching up. The doctor's have found yet another tumor in his brain, luckily they will be able to blast it with radiation tomorrow. I am really praying that the cancer slows down from spreading soon. Dad has been going so much over the past 6 months, more so than normal. We looked through old pictures as well and that was really fun. I wanted to share a couple that I love:

I took my medicine Friday evening for the first time for RLS and slept like a rock. I slept in until 10 AM on Saturday and it was heavenly. I left a couple hours after waking up so I could go to my brother's house for my nephew's second birthday. 

When I left my brother's house, I went to my grandparent's to stay the night with them. My papa told me he would grill his famous pork chop's for me. I request those every time I stay at their house. My mom decided to come over to stay too. I love staying at my grandparent's because I am so close with them, but adding my mom to the fun are well? Those are my favorite kind of nights!

This morning I left around 11 AM so I could get back home. After being gone from Charlotte for 2 days I had a lot to do. When I got back to the apartment I was able to do some cleaning, but the day was just too pretty to waste. It was bright and sunny and the high was 70. I put the top back on the car, scooped up Kelly then she and I ran errands. I dropped her back off at her apartment around 5 and we decided that me, her, and her boyfriend Drew would get ready then go to dinner for our "treat meal". We met at 7 at Brixx Pizza. It was half price wine night and I had a coupon for buy 1 get 1 free pizza. Score! We even had this pecan fudge type of dessert and it was crazy good!

I got home around 9, prepped food really fast, and wanted to write a blog post to get myself relaxed and ready to make it a great week. I made some new healthy recipes, my body feels rested, strong, and ready to train hard. Plus my heart is overwhelmed with joy from spending so much time with my family and friends. Being with them, making memories and laughing over old ones really puts things in perspective for me.

I hope you guys have an awesome and thank you again, so much for all of the comments on Friday. Don't forget my giveaway is still going on, be sure to enter!


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