Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

MCH History Event -- Location Obtained!!!

Great news! I got a place for us to have our meeting/gathering/event/whatever this is!!! It's an awesome site, but I'm not going to reveal the location just yet. All I'll say for now is that it is in Mill Creek Hundred, and should be easily accessible for everyone. It seemed like the general consensus was that a weekend afternoon was the best fit for the most people. Because of that, I've tentatively reserved the space for Saturday, February 23, 2013. I don't have a time yet, but I was thinking 2:00? How does this sound to everyone?

If anyone has any thoughts on the time and date, let me know. I hope the 23rd is good for everyone, or at least as close as we can get to everyone. I couldn't be happier with the venue, and I'm sure you all will be as excited as I am. If we get some feedback and the specifics seem OK, I'll post more info over the weekend. Stay tuned.....

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