Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

Inaugural MCH History Gathering -- Location Revealed!!!

The Philips House
At first I wasn't sure what kind of a venue we'd be able to get for our get-together, but I figured I'd come up with something. In all honesty, any old room somewhere would have sufficed, but I never expected to be able to secure the kind of perfectly suited location for the event that I did. The Inaugural Mill Creek Hundred History Gathering will take place at 2:00 PM, Saturday February 23, 2013 at.....The Philips House at the Greenbank Mill. Thanks to the suggestion on the FaceBook page from Laurel Haring (who is a board member at the mill, and I understand will be joining us at the event) I contacted the mill, and they were kind enough to allow us to meet in the house. Thank you to Abby for helping me to coordinate this!

I really don't know if there's too much better and more appropriate of a location for a historical gathering than in a house built in 1794, next to the only remaining historic mill in Mill Creek Hundred. And in case you're wondering, I do plan on having a Greenbank Mill post up sometime before the event, for anyone not familiar with this historic, but vibrant, property. I'm very excited about this location for our get-together, and I hope you are, too.

In case anyone is not familiar with Greenbank Mill, it's located on Greenbank Road just down the hill from Price's Corner. If you're coming from Kirkwood Highway, turn north onto Newport Gap Pike (Rt 41) [left if you've just come over the bridge, right if you've just passed the shopping center and the firehouse], go down the hill and over the railroad tracks, then turn right onto Greenbank Road. The mill will be ahead on your left. If you're coming south down Newport Gap Pike, turn left onto Greenbank Road at the bottom of the hill, just before the train station.

I want to thank the people at the mill again for allowing us to meet in their beautiful house on the hill. I should also note that they've been kind enough to let us gather there free of charge. This is a free event, and there is no fee involved for anyone attending. That being said, I will have a donation jar available for anyone who wants to donate a few dollars to the Greenbank Mill, to thank them for their kind hospitality. Not only will it be a nice "Thank you", but bear in mind that the money goes to help preserve what we all cherish -- local history.

I truly think this will be a fun event, made only more enjoyable by the setting. For anyone who will not be able to join us on the 23rd, I have a sneaking suspicion that this will not be the last such event. I'm already thinking ahead to the spring. If anyone has any questions about the event, as always feel free to comment or to email me directly ( Hope to see you there!

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