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The Irish Immigrate!

In the 19th century many Irish decided to migrate into the New World. Irelands main industry was agriculture and lands were rented to small famers that worked very hard for their crops to grow. They did not have many tools to plant and they did not know any new techniques. For a crop to grow it could take months or years.

Around 6,000 Irish people sailed to America in 1816 and two years later it doubled to 12,000 Irish people. The Irish Famine was one of the baisc reasons for the Irish to migrate. Sinca Irelands industry was based on agriculture they rest upon the growth of potatoes. In 1845, about three-fourths of the countrys potatoes were ruined. The people had nothing to eat and they started dying of starvation or diseases. The Irelands Census stated that nearly a million poeple had died due to this catastrophe. After this disaster about one qaurter of the Irish population had migrated to the America.

In New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio and New Jersey, the Irish started to settle.They lived in cellars, one room apartment or basements. They started getting sick and started abusing of alcohol. Most of the people who went to jail in the US, were Irish. Although many Irish men were unskilled they still were able to have jobs by building roads, canals, or working in mines in the United States. Some were able to save enough money and buy land and to transport themselves into the farming areas.

The Irish were part of the Catholic religion and they were constantly attacked by Americans but they still took control of the American Cathoilc Church. Irish supported the Democratic Party becuase they were afraid that if the salves were freed they would come to the North and take away their jobs.

The Irish became to be an important part of the Americans. They became successfull with a good education, jobs and owned property. They started moving out of the farming areas and into the towns and suburbs. Irish started marying out of their culture, they married other Catholics and then Americans. The Irish made a good decision by migrating into the United States. They got better job oportunities and better life conditions. After all they were proud to be Irish Americans!


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