Bayram Cigerli Blog

Bigger İnfo Center and Archive

Oral Histories of Life In Huntington

The library's oral history project was launched in September and thus far we've conducted and recorded four oral histories depicting life in Huntington through the years.

Do you or members of your family have stories to share about life in Huntington that encapsulate a period of time or a way of life here? If so, the library would like to preserve them as part of the collective memory of our town. We are interested in the following topics:

  • Memories of Main Street

  • Memories of the library

  • Summers in Huntington

  • Recreation or Entertainment

  • School Days

  • Town Events, Festivals, Parades, etc...

  • Farming

  • Memories of Huntington During War

  • Family Business in the Town

  • Transportation

  • Occupations

If you are interested in submitting your story to our oral history project, please contact Teresa Scwhind or Lori King at 631-427-5165 x251 or We look forward to adding to our growing collection.


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