The library's oral history project was launched in September and thus far we've conducted and recorded four oral histories depicting life in Huntington through the years.Do you or members of your family have stories to share about life in Huntington that encapsulate a period of time or a way of life here? If so, the library would like to preserve them as part of the collective memory of our town....
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Huntington etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Huntington etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Huntington's Collective Memory

In recognition of American Archives Month in October, Huntington Public Library welcomes the community to join us in two projects that celebrate our town’s past and present, and document it for future generations.Oral Histories of Life in HuntingtonDo you or members of your family have stories to share...
Town Clerk's Archives Presents:
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 11:36
american revolution, DAR, Daughters of the American Revolution, Huntington, Huntington Militia, Sons of the American Revolution, Town Clerk's Archives
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"The Legacy of the Revolution in Huntington"The Town of Huntington played a significant role in the defence of liberty and independence. Almost a quarter of the town's male population volunteered to serve the patriot cause.Numerous documents and artifacts survive to verify our legacy.The descendants...
NYPL Digital Gallery
By Coğrafya Blogcusu at 13:33
Digital Gallery, E.B. Hyde and Co., Huntington, Nassau Avenue, New York Public Library, NY
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New York Public Library has created an excellent digital gallery that is well worth browsing through. Out of curiosity I searched Huntington, NY and was pleasantly surprised to retrieve some great images. Displayed here is a map of Huntington, West of Nassau Avenue (1915-1917) published by E.B. Hyde...
Digital Sanborn Maps

Huntington Public Library is proud to announce the acquisition of Digital Sanborn Maps for use within the library. Over 100 years ago, the maps were created for assessing fire insurance liability in urbanized areas across the United States. Today they are a valuable source of historical information....
Long Island Memories

Huntington Public Library has joined with LILRC (Long Island Library Resources Council) and other libraries throughout Long Island in digitizing items of local historical interest. Visit Long Island Memories and explore Huntington and other Long Island libraries' array of unique resources. The digital...