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Annemin rahatsızlığı sebebiyle uzun bir süre buralarda olmayacağım. Bu üzücü ve zor zamanlarda desteğini esirgemeyen herkese çok ama çok teşekkürler. Dualarınızı eksik etmeyin lütfen.

Blast fat and feel great!

Building and keeping muscle, is the your magic bullet against aging.  One of the symptoms of the aging process is sarcopenia (muscle loss). Losing muscle as we age leads overall weakness and is a direct cause of a decreased metabolic rate - which leads to weight gain and possible bone loss.

Muscle is denser than fat, takes us less space in the body versus fat, and burns more calories than fat. The more lean muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate. You can be sitting on the beach enjoying a book and burning more calories than you did a year ago if you add strength training to your routine!

Most women prefer aerobic/cardio exercise as their exercise of choice and they on insist on long, slow duration and distance. Excessive cardio exercise will decreases you muscle mass over time.   I consistently advised my clients, men and women alike, against long, slow cardio session - ESPECIALLY if the goal is to lose fat, and change your body.

Strength training is one of the most important aspects of your exercise program. My programs include a plethora of push ups, planks, hip hinge type exercises, lunges with short intense cardio blasts.  Maintaining and building muscle will keep you looking good and feeling great!

You don't need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment to get a good workout.  Your body weight will do just fine!  Visit my website or come see me for a free consultation!


Apple iPad and - iPhone both Interesting Portable Multi Talents..!!!

In my previous post I wrote about
my recently discovered Insight:

As I also wrote about in a post titled: Super Electronic Gadgets and
I have an Amazing Product for You on
this Travel Blogspot

Don't Throw Your Latte Away

I have always been an avid saver and was also a frequent "latte" drinker. I wrote this post after watching a clip on TV about "The Latte Factor".

“Save now. Fewer trips to the café now can lead to more vacations later,” says Fidelity.

“Figure out your ‘latte factor’, be it your frequent lunches out, your fetish for new shoes, or your everyday coffee, and minimize it or cut it out entirely,” says the man on CNBC.

This seems to be a common theme with the retirement gurus. Skip the coffee, save a few extra dollars for later. It makes sense, right? 5 dollars a day for coffee can lead to an extra 1300 dollars a year in your savings account. To me it does make sense, and to one friend whose dad’s motto is “save today, spend tomorrow” but not everyone agrees with us.

I spoke with another friend who when I suggested she start saving money now, said, “Why worry about later all the time when you should be thinking about having fun right now?” At first I thought, “Wow, she is so naive! She is going to be screwed later!” Then I spoke to my dad, who was the one that first taught me how to save. He said, “Sure, cut out your latte now and then, but don’t deprive yourself of all fun now by always worrying about later.”

Dad saves the day again. Leave it to him to depart some words to the wise regarding finances. Save now, sure, but have fun in the meantime. What is the point of saving all your life if you are not going to get to enjoy it? I am not saying that I am going to die tomorrow, but…what if I did? Would I be happy with my life so far? Would I wish that I had blown a little more money on shoes instead of scrimping and saving for my non-existent retirement?

Why can't we have both? I am going to have fun now. AND save for later. It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.

**Since the original airing of this post, I have saved approximately $5000 by not going to Starbucks 5 x a week.** You can also see my original follow up post for this one HERE.   

Confession Wednesday Button

This post is part of the Red Dress Club's writing meme: Find something that you're proud of, but something you haven't read for awhile. Do a complete overhaul. It is also  part of Flashback Friday with Karen at A Peek at Karen's World and Coffee Talk with FTLOB

What about you? Are you a saver or a spender? What do you spend your "latte" money on? 

Moe El Moussawi from Lebanon (PART 2)

Second part with biceps...

July Book List

Bringing Home the Birkin.  The true story of Michael Tonello's foray into the world of Hermes.  An ex-pat now living in Barcelona, Tonello discovered a lucrative venture that led to him gaining and insider's perspective on the elusive Birkin bag.  This book has many great points: first, the look into the extravagant and excessive world of Hermes and those that purchase its products; second, it's set against a gorgeous European scenic backdrop that takes Tonello beyond Barcelona across the European continent; third, Tonello's engaging writing style.  This is a perfect summer read!

A Visit from the Goon Squad.  This Pulitzer Prize winning novel was this month's book club pick.  Met with the most varying reviews from our book club selections yet, responses ran the gamut from love to hate of the read.  I personally fell on the love side.  The novel is comprised of intersecting stories and characters revolving around the music industry.  The book spans many years and does not take place in a linear fashion, instead moving back and forth in time depending on the chapter and point of view.  Despite the characters deep flaws you find yourself rooting for them in spite of yourself.  I found the book riveting and worth its praise.

A Piece of Cake.  This is the memoir of Cupcake Brown's life--her evolution from an abused child riddled with addictions to becoming a successful lawyer in her adult life.  Brown suffered innumerable atrocities in her youth, that sometimes leaves you reeling and not sure if you could even read on.  Becoming a drug addict very early in her youth, it seems her life is heading nowhere, until she hits rock bottom and turns her life around.  This story of triumph over a horrific childhood is empowering and inspiring, not to mention it will stick with you long after you finish the last page.


Yıldız tilbe dinle ,sizin için yıldız tilbenin en iyi şarkılarını toplamya çalıştım dinleyin beğeniceksiniz,yıldız tilbenin dinlemek istediğiniz veya şu şarkısı veya türküsüde olsaydı daha iyi olurdu dediklerinizide yorum olarak yazarsanız sevinirim.

Craft Idea

I scanned these little sketches from a cookbook. Not sure what I am going to do with them. Something creative! Cards? Notes? Embroidery? Now that is a grand idea! Framed? They are too cute to go to waste! I would love to hear your ideas. Or feel free to borrow them for a project.

I am really liking the idea of embroidering. Didn't think of it until I was typing.  Maybe on an apron? :)


American Eccentrics of Note – William Walker

Handsome fellow – and also one hell of an original American Eccentric.  Walker started out life in Tennessee, got his first college degree at fourteen and his medical degree at the age of nineteen.  He practiced medicine, studied the law, ran a newspaper, and did some time as a reporter. Geographically he bounced around from his home state to New Orleans, LA and then on to San Francisco, CA.  When he got out west Walker found his passion – conquering land south of the current borders of the United States to establish new American colonies in Latin America.  We all have to have ambitions in life and Walker’s was building new nations or conquering existing ones.  What makes him stand out is that he was actually somewhat successful at it.

In 1853, at the tender age of twenty-nine, Walker recruited a total of forty-five men and set out to into Baja California with the goal of establishing a new republic – one built around the ideas of Manifest Destiny, expanding slavery, and joining up with the United States through annexation like Texas had done.  Walker had started out attempting to convince the Mexican government to just give him the land to set up an armed colony against attacks by Native Americans – Mexico was uninterested in Walker’s plan though.  Most people would have given up at that point – Walker conquered a city in Baja and proclaimed a new republic – the Republic of Senora.  It didn’t last long though – the Mexican government decided that Walker’s new state was an unacceptable addition to the local Baja scene and crushed it militarily.  But from that Walker moved on to a greater dream – conquering a Latin American nation that was already established.

In 1855 Nicaragua was embroiled in a nasty civil war and Walker, leading a group of fifty-eight Americans nicknamed “The Immortals” Walker was able to ally with local military forces in Nicaragua and successfully defeat all opposing factions in Nicaragua – Walker initially ruled through a puppet president but then elevated himself to the office of President of Nicaragua.  He actually held the office for a year and eleven months, his government was formally recognized by the United States, US President Franklin Pierce provided that honor.  Walker lost power due to his ambitious, but failed efforts, to expand his holdings into nearby Costa Rica and was military defeated by an alliance of surrounding states.  Walker escaped punishment and capture by surrendering to a US naval warship in 1857.

He returned to the United States and by 1860 he had written a four hundred page tome explaining his actions in Nicaragua and his administration.  He was hailed as a hero throughout the southern United States.  Walker also in 1860 made another attempt to carve out a nation, he sailed secretly to Honduras to take advantage of some dissatisfaction brewing in Honduras among its wealthy, non-local residents.  Unfortunately for Walker his ambitions in the region raised concerns with the British government, who had a vested interest in Honduras staying stable, so when Walker arrived in Honduras a local British naval captain captured him.  Walker was then handed over to the government of Honduras, which promptly shot him.

I’ll be reading up for more information on William Walker – I might someday write a book collecting eccentric and oddballs of US history and he’ll be in that collection.  But Walker did impact history – his actions changed Nicaraguan history and modified how the US approached Central America in the early 20th century.  (Bad memories by the locals of US involvement in their country among other things.)

Sources: Wikipedia entry on William Walker, California Native Newsletter article on William Walker, article on William Walker produced for the Virtual Museum of the city of San Francisco, and finally Lester Langley’s The Banana Wars – An Inner History of American Empire, 1900-1934.