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QNT sporcu supplementleri son dönemde Türkiye pazarında sıkça karşılaştığımız bir sporcu desteği olarak karşımıza çıkmaya başladı,peki ama nasıl bir firma bu QNT gerçekten denildiği kadar iyimi?
QNT belçika kökenli bir firma ve supplement çeşitliliği olarakta gerçekten diğer birçok markanın üzerinde bir çeşitliliğe sahip şöyle bir sıralamaya çalışırsak
QNT 3000
QNT 9000
en başta gelen ürünleri arasında yer almaktadır.QNT Türkiyede her nekadar diğer markalar kadar popüler olmasada protein ve amino asit oranları bu marklaların çoğunun dahada üstünde bir değerliğe sahip aynı zamanda kaliteli bir protein ve amino asit içeriğine sahiptir.Özellikle isolate (isole)formundaki ürünlerinde protein oranları %84 e kadar çıkabilmektedir.
Sonuç olarak bu işi bilen bir kişi olarak şunu söyleyebilirimki kaliteli bir supplement QNT çoğu bilindik markaya göre tercih edebilirsiniz.Buarada en önemli nokta ise içinde hormon olmadığına dair belgesi olan ender sporcu markalarından birtanesidir.

A Hiking We Will Go

Mr. Lovely hails from the Northeast and has never been to Yosemite! So we decided that although it is winter, we would go and see what adventures awaited us. I was expecting snowshoeing and hot chocolate by the fire to be honest, but it couldn't have worked out better. Since we haven't had a lot of snow this season, the high passes were still open and we made good use of the late arrival of winter!

I know that you have seen enough cliched photos of Yosemite and I know that I will never be able to compete with Ansel, so I will give you a few alternatives. We decided to hike up the Four Mile Trail  to Glacier Point, which was a 4.8 mile one way hike, with a 3200 foot elevation gain. It was a nice path actually; it wasn't too steep and it was smooth and even paved for part of it. I know...paved! The views were fantastic! I am not really sure why it's called the Four Mile Trail.

View from four mile trail

Once we got to the top, we had a snack and decided to brave a longer hike around, instead of going back down the way we came. We took the Panorama trail, which ends up going over near Half Dome and then back down near Vernal Falls. From Glacier Point around and back down was about 8.5 miles.

View from Glacier Point
Illilouette Fall
So, total mileage was about 13.3 miles. Afterwards, we went and each had a hamburger, an order of chicken wings AND a bowl of chili! We were starving!

We also went to the Tunnel View for the sunset view of the valley. It was gorgeous! Except why is it that when you ask a person to take a photo for you, you either get a blurry one, or one with your feet (or head) chopped off, or something of the sort?

First, I took a photo of Mr. L. Isn't the view nice?

Then he took one of me. El Capitan! Half Dome! Oh My!

Then we asked a Random to take one of both of us. 


We actually asked ANOTHER Random to take a photo and he took one of us standing (RIGHT) in front of (ie BLOCKING) Half Dome. AND he had a huge Canon, so I thought he knew what he was doing!  Sheesh!

PS. Our calves were SO SORE the next day! 

What is the longest hike you have ever done? Have you been to Yosemite?


Bloğunuzun orjinal ve şık görünüme kavuşturmak için indirdiğiniz temaları bloğunuza nasıl uygulayacağınızı, resimli ve videolu olarak anlatacağım.1.Yüklemek istediğimiz şablonu indiriyoruz.(Burdan İndirebilirsiniz)İndirdiğimiz Zip dosyası içerisindeki xml uzantılı olanları çıkarıyoruz.Daha sonra
2.Bloğumuzun Tasarım bölümüne gidiyoruz(Kumanda Paneli-Tasarım-Html Düzenle)3.Önceki şablonumuzu Tam

Explain To Me : Ireland's 20th Century History

A country I find intriguing is Ireland. For some reason, it reminds distinctively of Bahrain (perhaps my readers could point out why ?) so I had thought it would be fair to post an essay about Ireland in the 20th Century.

Ireland's British problem (or Britain's Irish problem) has been a dominant theme of United Kingdom politics between 1914-1922 and since 1969 (refer to The Troubles). In September 1914, a political solution to British-Irish relations seemed to have been made.

A Home Rule Act, granting limited self government, was passed by the Westminster Parliament but was suspended for the duration of the First World War. However, by 1922, Ireland was partitioned between Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State.
The Easter Rising,of which Eamon de Valera was a leader in.(Image not mine)

The latter was a state within the British Empire with internal self-government. These political developments occurred mainly because of the effects of a failed armed rebellion (known as the Easter Rising) against British rule made by extreme Nationalists in Dublin in 1916,

From the founding of the Irish Free State to the creation of the Republic of Ireland in 1949, some Irish politicians attempted gradually to weaken the links with the British Empire. The most notable (and perhaps controversial) was Eamon de Valera.

From 1932 to 1937, he severed many of these links. In 1937, he introduced a new constitution that created an independent republic "in all but name". In addition, he laid claim to Northern Ireland as part of a united Ireland. In 1949, Ireland became a fully independent sate outside the Commonwealth.

Northern Ireland did receive Home Rule. From 1921 to 1972, it was dominated by the Ulster Unionist party (Ulster being the traditional name for the region that comprised of Northern Ireland). This party was predominantly Protestant and discriminated heavily against Catholics, who were seen as Nationalists who wanted a united Ireland.

By 1968, Catholic civil rights (coinciding with the American Civil Rights era) had become a major issue in Northern Ireland politics. It sparked off a Protestant unionist reaction that led to major sectarian violence in 1969.
A textbook scene of The Troubles. Bombings were common occurrences.

The British government first sent troops to Northern Ireland in 1969 in an attempt to maintain law and order. In 1972, the British government suspended the Northern Ireland Parliament and ruled the area directly from London.

From 1969 to 1998, Northern Ireland was badly affected by political violence. The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) and Loyalist paramilitary groups engaged in guerrilla warfare and sectarian murder. Successive British governments, both of the Labour and Conservative parties, have attempted to find a political solution.

Attempts to involve both Nationalists and Unionists in government failed. In 1985, a new attempt was made with the Anglo-Irish (Hillsborough) Agreement (actual document here), signed under the Thatcher era, which involved co-operation between the British and Irish governments.

By the 1990s, attempts to solve the conflict in Northern Ireland involved a fusion of previous attempts at a political solution: co-operation in government between political parties within Northern Ireland and co-operation between Britain and Ireland.

Whether a permanent political solution is to be found, will depend on an end to political violence and the disarming of armed paramilitary groups.

Google Dokumanlar ile iletisim Formu Olusturma-Videolu ve Sesli Anlatım-Sitene Ucretsiz iletisim Formu Ekle

Google Dökümanlar ile hazırladığımız tamamen ücretsiz olan iletişim formunu nasıl düzenleyeceğinizi ve sitenize nasıl ekleyebileceğinizi videolu ve sesli olarak aşşağıda anlattık...

This Would Be Your First Test Post

A this moth dismissively octopus one adequate up irrespective across more agonizing much collective orca alas so one so so shaky unsociable one honorably far dispassionate less oh hello in unsafely outran that far.

Crudely leopard salamander faithfully one darn respectfully neurotically and as much beheld this leopard guinea crud hyena less crud impressively oh some guinea darn far.

Crud save far lion much constructive gnashed regally jeepers and grand hawk burned hideously crud at winningly far said dear oh boisterously the turtle blushed as massively one dissolutely gosh so one jeepers this depending prior during wow less much dear rid this far opposite gosh hence.

Squinted well one emptied more across that through agitated crab miserly that whale inset one dear yellow strove much purposefully daintily gorilla gosh shark away thrust ripely involuntarily spun prior crud and less less slightly concentric less and much krill well cat alas the alas horse llama echidna.

Prior some some together jeez behind sang within oriole strict tapir more somber amidst up the beneath more preparatory yellow much on temperately and by overlaid beseechingly staunch the depending opened overhung unique so alas jeez alas sudden much parrot expectant despite scantly out hiccupped much whispered some much within thus more darn fatuously shook so far jeez knelt.

Bookmark Break Challenge 2012

Last year I participated in AubrieAnne's Bookmark Break Challenge. She challenged everyone to get their dusty old books off the shelves and finish them! She said that if we read more books than she did in 2011, she would give us prizes! Well, I read more books than she did! In 2011, I read 66 books. Here is what I got for my efforts!

I also got free ad space on her blog for one year! This year, I plan on taking part in her challenge again.

My personal goal is to read at least 52 books this year, or one a week. I also think I already mentioned this, but I would like to try to read at least one book a month that I already have laying around. I am going to try not to buy any books this year (except for the ones I buy with my B&N or Amazon gift cards!) This means I will be downloading a lot of free classics from Amazon as well as reading a lot of free reviewer books from Dorrance and LibraryThing. I also plan on reading a lot of library books. At least that's the goal!

Last year I not only took part in AubrieAnne's challenge, but I also joined an online book club at The Many Thoughts of a Reader. We are currently reading State of Wonder by Anne Patchett. One of my other book goals for 2011 was to read more classics. I did read A Christmas Carol as well as several of the Anne of Green Gables series, but I need to get more on the ball this year for that.

You can find out more about what I am reading, reviewing, planning on reading and hoping to read on my BOOKSHELF page. Also, if you haven't already, come see what I am reading on Goodreads!

What are your book related goals for this year? Are you involved in any book clubs?

A New Kind of 52

I mentioned in this post that I had done a few different 365/52 projects over the past years. I really think that they are a good idea, becuase they do encourage you to get out and about and to take in your surroundings. Whether you are taking photos of your pets, the grass, things around the house, the beach or even the kitchen sink, you realize there is beauty in everything! And it's fun to learn how to use your camera, the light and different angles to make something that makes you happy!

This year I am not doing a 365 project per se. Actually, since this year is a leap year, it would technically be a 366 project. But I am not doing that either. I do plan on taking photos pretty much every day, just like I have for the last couple of years, but I will not be posting them online. I am also not doing a 52 week project per se.

However, I AM doing a project. This year, two of my aunts and I are doing a photography project together. We are calling it Triptych, because it is the three of us and our three different interpretations of things. Based on words sent in by friends and family last year, we will each take a photo a week and post it online. We encourage all of you to participate as well! You can link up with your photo showing your interpretation of the word! Our first post went up last Wednesday and our next post airs today, Monday the 9th. Posts will go up each Monday from now on.

Our first word was BEGINNINGS. Come over and see how we each interpret the word and share your interpretation as well! Today's word is HAIRY. Our link up for HAIRY will be up until next Sunday, January 15th. Please post your photos and link up with us!

Also, if you have a word you want featured, leave me a comment or shoot me an email. We like weird words!

What weird things do you take photos of? How would you express "beginnings" in a photo?


All the images are from the Eastern Front

 Russia. A battle rages

 Seems like a scene out of 'Apocalypse Now'. The grim war zone is the Ostfront

 In the early days of Barbarossa many many Russian soldiers surrendered. They were badly treated by the Germans and most left to starve. There are reports that many Russian POW turned cannibalistic to survive.

 Fighting on a street in a Russian town

 Street fighting in a Russian town

A German soldier uses a flame-thrower to flush out Russians from a bunker

 Early days of German invasion of Russia. Stuka Dive Bombers (JU 87) roar over the Russian skies

 Russia burns as the German move in

 Scorched earth policy. Leave nothing useful behind for the enemy. Burn it all.

German army in Russia

 This German soldier seems to have found his soul-mate in Russia.

Like these two German soldiers. Hitler and Stalin would have foamed at the mouth seeing this image.

 The ubiquitous German motor-cyclist messenger

 A German tank moves through war zone

 A convoy of the elite Waffen SS troops

 Letter from home?

 A kind-hearted German soldier in Russia?

A German super-gun fires

Winter Break

I've kind of been absent this week. Not only have I been busy, but I have also been in "no internet land". This makes for good stories, but nowhere to put them! So next week you will hear everything! Until then however, Grab a Beer (inspired by Kim) and check out a quick version of WIDLW!

Last weekend was spent with my friends from the East Bay. We stayed in, made dinner and celebrated the New Year by watching the ball drop in New York. At 9 o'clock. Just kidding! We actually made it to midnight this time! But I did go to bed at 12:01.


The next day we went to The City and had a snackapalooza! One of the items on the menu: Dungeness Crab! Yummy!

Then it was Road Trip time! First stop: Yosemite!

Next up: Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur!

Monterey, CA
Monterey, CA
17 Mile Drive
Carmel, CA
Hwy 1
After that, we drove north on Highway 1 and went to Santa Cruz, where the waves were HUGE! 


Then we took a nice hike in the Marin Headlands at Point Reyes

Last but not least, but with no photo, we had our extended family "Christmas" last night, where we ate, drank and were merry until late into the night! It was so good to see family and eat turkey again (I can never get enough! Hello turkey pie!) 

Were you busy this week? Are you back to work yet? To school? Did you take any time to relax after the hectic holidays!?