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A New Kind of 52

I mentioned in this post that I had done a few different 365/52 projects over the past years. I really think that they are a good idea, becuase they do encourage you to get out and about and to take in your surroundings. Whether you are taking photos of your pets, the grass, things around the house, the beach or even the kitchen sink, you realize there is beauty in everything! And it's fun to learn how to use your camera, the light and different angles to make something that makes you happy!

This year I am not doing a 365 project per se. Actually, since this year is a leap year, it would technically be a 366 project. But I am not doing that either. I do plan on taking photos pretty much every day, just like I have for the last couple of years, but I will not be posting them online. I am also not doing a 52 week project per se.

However, I AM doing a project. This year, two of my aunts and I are doing a photography project together. We are calling it Triptych, because it is the three of us and our three different interpretations of things. Based on words sent in by friends and family last year, we will each take a photo a week and post it online. We encourage all of you to participate as well! You can link up with your photo showing your interpretation of the word! Our first post went up last Wednesday and our next post airs today, Monday the 9th. Posts will go up each Monday from now on.

Our first word was BEGINNINGS. Come over and see how we each interpret the word and share your interpretation as well! Today's word is HAIRY. Our link up for HAIRY will be up until next Sunday, January 15th. Please post your photos and link up with us!

Also, if you have a word you want featured, leave me a comment or shoot me an email. We like weird words!

What weird things do you take photos of? How would you express "beginnings" in a photo?

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