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Irish History etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Irish History etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The 1848 Revolutions and Why They Failed

Often neglected, mocked gently and greeted with excessive sarcasm by historians, the 1848 revolutions of Europe were the largest revolutionary wave to strike the continent. They were a series of political upheavals and revolts in Europe that affected over 50 countries (with practically no coordination),...

A Very Brief History of St. Patrick's Day

This may be a late blog post but nonetheless, on the occasion of St. Patrick's Day, I thought it would be fitting.St. Patrick's day is held every year on March the 17th, and is held in honour of St. Patrick. St. Patrick was a Romano-Briton , born in the fourth century AD in present-day Britain...

Explain To Me : Ireland's 20th Century History

A country I find intriguing is Ireland. For some reason, it reminds distinctively of Bahrain (perhaps my readers could point out why ?) so I had thought it would be fair to post an essay about Ireland in the 20th Century.Ireland's British problem (or Britain's Irish problem) has been a dominant theme...

Debunking 4 History Myths

This post will feature 5 frequently asked questions about various aspects of History ranging from the Roman and Classical era till the Modern day.Did the Romans keep track of executions and had kept Criminal Records?Ans:) While most historians do not know if the Romans in fact, kept criminal records,...