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Donors to the BSA

The 'Rules and Regulations' of the BSA defined three different types of Subscribers. The first was defined as:
(1) Donors of £10 and upwards.
This was later changed to:
(1) Donors, other than Corporate Bodies, of £10 and upwards.
Donors included:
  • Sir William Reynell Anson (1843-1914), Warden of All Souls, Oxford; vice-chancellor (1898); MP for Oxford University (£10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14)
  • Colonel O. Chambers (£10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01)
  • Lord Egerton of Tatton / Rt. Hon. Earl Egerton (Wilbraham Egerton) (1832-1909) (£10.10.0, 1895/96; £10.10.0, 1896/97; £10.10.0, 1897/98; £10.10.0, 1898/99; £10.10.0, 1899/1900; £10.10.0, 1900/01; £10.10.0, 1901/02; £10.10.0, 1902/03; £10.10.0, 1904/05; £10.10.0, 1905/06; £10.10.0, 1906/07)
  • Sir Arthur J. Evans (1851-1941) (£10, 1894/95; £10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98; £10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15; £10, 1915/16; £10, 1916/17; £10, 1917/18)
  • Douglas William Freshfield (1845-1934) (£10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98; £10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15; £10, 1915/16; £10, 1916/17; £10, 1917/18)
  • Lord Hillingdon (Charles Henry Mills, first Baron Hillingdon [1830–1898]) (£10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98)
  • Thomas Hodgkin (1831-1913) (£10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13)
  • Lady Howard de Walden (Lady Lucy Joan Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck) (d. 1899); widow of Charles Augustus Ellis, sixth Baron Howard de Walden and second Baron Seaford (1799–1868) (£20, 1897/98; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1898/9)
  • Walter Leaf (1852-1927) (£100, 1894/95; £20, 1895/96; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9; £50, 1899/1900; £50, 1900/01; £20, 1901/02; £50, 1902/03; £50, 1904/05; £50, 1905/06; £50, 1906/07; £50, 1907/08; £50, 1908/09; £50, 1909/10; £50, 1910/11; £50, 1911/12; £50, 1912/13; £50, 1913/14; £50, 1914/15; £50, 1915/16; £50, 1916/17; £50, 1917/18)
  • William Loring (1865-1915) (£15, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01)
  • Sir Thomas Lucas (1822-1902) (£10, 1895/96; £10.10.0, 1897/98; £10.10.0, 1898/9)
  • George A. Macmillan (£10.10.0, 1894/95; £10.10.0, 1895/96; £10.10.0, 1896/97; £10.10.0, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9; £25, 1899/1900; £25, 1900/01; £25, 1901/02; £25, 1902/03; £50, 1904/05; £50, 1905/06; £50, 1906/07; £50, 1907/08; £50, 1908/09; £50, 1909/10; £50, 1910/11; £50, 1911/12; £50, 1912/13; £50, 1913/14; £50, 1914/15; £25, 1915/16; £25, 1916/17; £25, 1917/18)
  • Macmillan & Co. (£20, 1895/96; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9)
  • C.W. Mitchell (£10, 1895/96; £10, 1897/98£10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; )
  • Ludwig Mond (1839-1909) (£100, 1895/96; £100, 1896/97; £100, 1897/98; £100, 1898/9; £100, 1899/1900; £100, 1900/01; £100, 1901/02; £100, 1902/03; £100, 1904/05; £100, 1905/06; £100, 1906/07; £100, 1907/08; £100, 1908/09)
  • Walter Morrison (1836-1921); a founder of the Palestine Exploration Fund (£10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15)
  • Mrs J.W. Pease (£10.10.0, 1902/03)
  • Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild (1839-1898) (£50, 1895/96; £50, 1896/97; £50, 1897/98)
  • Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema (1836-1912) (£20, 1895/96; £20, 1896/97; £20, 1897/98; £20, 1898/9; £20, 1899/1900)
  • Mrs Hedwig Tod, Edinburgh (£10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13)
  • Rev. Henry Fanshawe Tozer (1829-1916) (£10, 1894/95; £10, 1895/96; £10, 1896/97; £10, 1897/98; £10, 1898/9; £10, 1899/1900; £10, 1900/01; £10, 1901/02; £10, 1902/03; £10, 1904/05; £10, 1905/06; £10, 1906/07; £10, 1907/08; £10, 1908/09; £10, 1909/10; £10, 1910/11; £10, 1911/12; £10, 1912/13; £10, 1913/14; £10, 1914/15; £10, 1915/16)
  • Sir Julius (Charles) Wernher (1850-1912) (£25, 1899/1900; £25, 1900/01; £25, 1901/02; £25, 1902/03; £25, 1904/05; £25, 1905/06; £25, 1906/07; £25, 1907/08; £25, 1908/09; £25, 1909/10; £25, 1910/11; £25, 1911/12)
This working list will be revised; 8 October 2008.

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