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Ottoman Empire etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Ottoman Empire etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Harry Pirie-Gordon and the Palestine Guide-Books

Gill, D. W. J. 2013. "Harry Pirie-Gordon and the Palestine Guide Books." Public Archaeology 11: 169-78. AbstractHarry Pirie-Gordon (1883–1969) was responsible for the preparation of a series of guidebooks published by the Palestine News immediately after the First World War. The information had been prepared for the British attack on Palestine. Pirie-Gordon first went to Syria in 1908 ostensibly to...

Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire

Debbie Challis has published her study of British archaeology in the Ottoman Empire. This covers three main areas:Asia Minor: Lycia and CariaNorth Africa: Carthage and CyreneIonian Greece: Ephesus and Smaller ExcavationsThis book discusses the period before the establishment of the Asia Minor Exploration...

Asia Minor Exploration Fund: Funding

One of the constant refrains of the BSA Managing Committee in the early years concerned finance. Yet this is hardly surprising given the demands from other archaeological projects in the eastern Mediterranean. George Macmillan was Honorary Treasurer of the Asia Minor Exploration Fund (AMEF) and made constant appeals:1882: £520 raised1883: £300 spent on travels in Anatolia; further appeal for £500.1890:...

Asia Minor Exploration Fund

The Asia Minor Exploration Fund was an initiative of the Hellenic Society. It was established during 1882, and by 1883 the Fund had raised £500.The committee consisted of:James Fergusson (1808-86), architectural historianDavid Binning Monro (1836-1905), Provost of Oriel College. [Later on the Managing Committee of the BSA]Henry Francis Pelham (1846-1907). [Later on the Managing Committee of the...