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Running Gear etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Running Gear etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster


I have always been one of those that are a bit skeptical of compression gear. In fact, anything that is hyped up by everyone else, I tend to stray away from. I tried the ice bath; it only made me cold. I tried the foam roller; it's fun and it feels good but I don't feel a big difference from not using it. So when Incrediwear contacted me to try their compression gear, I thought I would give it a go, even though I was doubtful.

Lucky for me, they not only sent me a calf compression sleeve, but they also sent me several of their different kinds of socks! I usually buy whatever socks Costco or Target has on sale in multi packs, so these socks were such a treat! The compression sleeve, like the foam roller, feels great. It is just tight enough but not too tight and wearing it makes my calf feel like it's being squeezed in a very nice way. I really can't complain.

However, my favorite thing that they sent were the hiking socks. If you ever see me wearing boots and jeans, you can guarantee that I am wearing them under my boots! I wear them around the house as a way to keep warm (and lately it's been pretty chilly) with the hard wood floors. I even wear them for hiking! They are awesome. I want 10 more pairs of these!

My favorite!

So, if you are a compression sleeve lover, you will love their calf sleeves, or if you just want to get cozy feet, you will love their entire line of socks. They also have other compression gear, braces and insoles.

I received these products free of charge in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do you like compression gear? What is your favorite brand of socks?

Listen to This

I thought I would start off with a song that I am loving lately! If you haven't already heard it, enjoy! If you have already heard it, then enjoy again!

I almost always listen to music when I run. However, I haven't bought a pair of headphones in years. I use the ones that came with my iPod. The little padding part came off and one side doesn't always work, but I usually just make do with what I have.

I recently got a chance to try a new earphone, Yurbuds. They are bright pink and they have a twist lock feature where you stick them in and then twist and they stay in your ears really well!

The first time I used them I took them for a test drive because you know the old saying, "don't ever try something new on race day". They worked great. They did not fall out at all and the sound quality is really good. Also, both sides work! Score. The only thing I don't like is that my other headphones have a microphone. I don't use it very often but it is nice to be able to answer the phone when I need to without having to get it out and use it without headphones.

Then on race day, I wore them the whole time. I had absolutely no problems. In fact, they stayed in so good that I almost needed them to come out a little faster when I saw my parents on the side of the road. I was scrambling to get my ear bud out and wave and get my gloves to my grandma all at the same time, but that is my own fault. I need to be quicker on my toes!

All in all, I would recommend these as a new earphone for you to try. Plus they come in a lot of fun colors and different types, like this one, which DOES have a microphone! Now I just need to update my playlist and I will be all set for some serious running!

Here are a few of the tunes I had to keep me company during the race:

Some Nights (this is a pretty cool remix of the song)

What are your favorite headphones for running? What is your song that you use when you need to get pumped up? Have you tried Yurbuds?

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary entry into the Nike Women's Marathon and a pair of Yurbud headphones in return for an honest review.

Running Related Tidbits (2)

The last week has been a bevy of running related experiences. I am going to share a few of them with you.

- I went to see my parents last weekend. My dad had a 5k race on Saturday so I ran with him. I am not going to write his recap for him (Dad -- I need your race report by noon tomorrow) but he did great. We started off at a "conversational" pace. He runs naked (sans Garmin) so he runs according to how he feels. He is also very modest. I think he thinks he runs a 9 minute mile, but we were clocking in between 7 and 8 minute miles the entire time. He ended up with a 23:xx and an average pace of 7:54 (or thereabouts). He also got 2nd in his age group. I am so proud of him. He has always been an inspiration to me and is the main reason I am as active as I am today!

- Last weekend I volunteered for a 50k race. I was at one of the aid stations, giving water and food to all the runners. To get to the aid station, I had to run to it, which was a ten mile run. I started at 7 a.m. and ran with the guys who do the course markings (flour and ribbons), which took about 2.5 hours. Then we handed out aid (with a group of boy scouts who were a kick in the pants -- how old are they? 50 or 15?) to the runners, which was SO inspiring. They were fast, slow, young, old, big and small! I think I am ready to follow their footsteps and try my own ultra! After the race, which was HOT, we ran the 10 miles back to the car. I made some new (great) friends and had a very good time!

- I am looking to buy a hydration pack/vest. I want something that is not too big, doesn't bounce around (naturally), holds about 2 liters and has pockets on the front straps/waist belt. Abbi suggested the Intensity and I also looked at the HPL#020. What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

- On Wednesday night I decided to go join up with a trail running group. I did it mostly because the Brooks rep was going to be there and so I got a chance to wear test the Pure Connect, which is a low drop shoe which is quite light. I actually wanted to try the trail running shoe, the Pure Grit, since I am thinking about buying a trail runner and wanted to test a couple out before buying. I generally wear Asics because I like to have a wider toe box, but would be open to trying something different! I want it to be fairly light and have a rock plate if possible (I like the Fuji Racer, but have heard negative reports about the holes in the bottom). Do you have a trail running shoe you can recommend?  

- As for the group run, the shoes were pretty good! And I am not sore at all: not feet, not legs, not sore! I have to admit, I tried the Brooks Glycerine and am not a fan. But maybe next time I need a new shoe, I will get the Connct. But for now, I will stick to my Asics. Other than the shoes, the run was okay. I still ran alone, which is what I prefer. And I've run in the area before, so it wasn't even like I found a fun new running trail. I really don't think I am a group running type person. I like to run at my own pace. I did notice a lot of folks running in little groups, so maybe it's great for them, but I don't think it's for me. It was nice to test out the shoes though.

- I signed up for race #6 of 12 in 2012: See Jane Run Half Marathon in Alameda on June 3rd. This will give me the opportunity to run a flatter (read: non trail) race to see how my road running fitness is going. After that though, I am back to the trails on June 23rd for this race, which I think I will do as a 30k. There is also a marathon and a 50k, which as John pointed out, would make me a Maniac (3 marathons or longer length in 90 days) if I did one of those instead.

Have you ever run as a pacer/bandit/friend with someone at their race? Are you a maniac? Do you like going on group runs (and if so, why)?

Don't forget to go to Jill's for other Fitness Friday posts!

Running Stuff

When I first started running, I did it with only the shirt on my back. Now I have all kinds of things that I have tried, some that worked for me, and some that didn't. Here are a few of my favorites.

1. Fuel: 

I tried all the fuel: Gu, gu chomps, clif shots. I didn't really like them. I thought that most of them tasted like jelly. Nasty, cough syrupy sweet jelly. Thanks to Jill, who recommended the Honey Stinger Chews, I finally found one I liked (after much trial and MUCH error!) I have since also found out that the Gu Chocolate flavored Energy gel and the Clif Shot Blocks Black Cherry are not super horrible either.

2. Belts: 

After debating for a long time, because I wanted to buy a belt, but couldn't find very many in brick and mortar stores, but did not want to order online without trying them, I finally bought an Amphipod at REI (with a giftcard! Yay!) I love it. It does not slip at all, unless you have all the waters next to each other. But if you put them equidistant apart, it doesn't bounce at all. It has 4 - 8 oz bottles which can be taken off and one pocket for my iPod. The bottles snap in, which I like, since a friend told me that her Nathan belt started to lose the bottles out of the holsters.

The only complaint I have is that the pocket has a Velcro closure and has opened up once or twice mid run (when it is filled too full) and let my goods fall out on the road. If you carry less junk, you may not have that problem. It's also one size fits all with a Velcro closure, which I thought I would not like, but it has worked out just fine.
I also got to try the iFitness belt, which doesn't have water bottles. However, it does have a waterproof case for your iPod or phone, which has a zipper and works great. Not only that, but it has a pocket inside to fit your credit card or ID. It has a clasp with one size fits all adjustment and is comfortable and doesn't ride up. It also has a bib holder, which is great! Now I can take off my sweatshirt and not worry about where my bib is attached! I usually only use it for shorter runs though, since it doesn't have water bottles.

3. Headgear: 

I admit, I was skeptical. I have never worn headbands. I did buy some goody ones at Target once, but they were so tight they made my head hurt a couple minutes into the run. The Chica Bands, however, are great. I am still growing out my hair, so they are good for keeping those flyaway hairs out of my face. I am still not completely used to it and it has been pretty cold, so I have not had many chances to use them, but my initial review is that they are so far, so good. They don't seem to slip and only hurt my head when I put them too far forward (by accident!)

4. Footgear:

My first running shoes were Nike. They were too tight. I tried Brooks and they are too flat. So I tried Asics and have been using them ever since! I am currently using the Gel Fluent 4, but I pretty much buy whichever one is on sale when it's time for a new pair. As long as they are Asics, I don't discriminate!

These shoes now have 621 miles on them!
5. Garmin

Because of the price, I held off on getting a Garmin for a long time. I remember having to wait until the next mile when they would call out my time, to know what my pace was. I was an expert of multiplying 9 or 10 minute miles to figure out where I was. But when the Garmin 305 went on sale, I knew I had to get it. I actually requested it as a Christmas gift. I know, it's huge, and at first I wasn't sure I WANTED to know how fast (or slow!) I was going. But it has turned out to be a very great tool for me over the last year. I don't even use or KNOW how to use all of the functions, but just knowing my pace and being able to do intervals and tracking my progress has been great. Besides, its FUN to see how high that mountain I just climbed really was! I even measured my parent's driveway (.2 miles - 245 ft ascent).

Tomorrow I will be running the Bay Breeze Half, which will be my second half marathon for the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge! I will be back next week with a race recap! Don't forget to go over to Fitness Friday at Jill's each week to see some other great fitness related posts!

Disclosure: I was given the iFitness belt and the Chica bands for free for participating in the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge. However, all opinions stated on this blog are mine alone. 

What gear is a must have in your book? Do you use a Garmin or do you just wing it?

Das Boot

I don't buy a lot of "things". I usually spend my money on experiences such as travel or dinners out or events. However this week there must be some itch I am trying to scratch, because lordy, I hit the internet hard! So, instead of grabbing a beer and looking what I did this week (inspired by Kim), it's time to grab a beer and: Look What I Bought This Week. But first, a beverage.

Have you ever drank a tall boot full of beer? I have. If you ever go to NYC, go to the Heidelberg on 2nd Ave and get their 2 liter boot-full of beer. To get it, you have to put down a 60 dollar cash deposit. It's that good. I also recommend the Schweineshaxe, but you have to wait until dinner time to order it. It is completely worth it.

So, in honor of Oktoberfest, I give you: Das Boot.  Prost!
And now for the ridiculous stuff that I bought. 


I bought a tent a few years ago and it took me forever to pick it out. I wanted to use it for a backpacking trip, which meant in had to be light (it's amazing what ONE extra lb will do). I was traveling with a friend so it had to fit two people, PLUS two backpacks. I bought a nice little 2 man tent from the REI outlet and it worked out well. However, my Dad borrowed it to go to the Grand Canyon and one of the poles broke. The good thing about REI is, they have a lifetime guarantee on a lot of their stuff. He took it back and got a refund for the full value put onto a gift card.

I didn't want to go through the whole tent buying thing again, but I got an email saying that all the camping gear at the outlet was half off, so I went and got this:

It's a three man tent with an extra door (which we needed before) and it cost less than the other one. The downside: it's 2 pounds heavier. That makes a HUGE difference when you have a sleeping bag and a stove AND the tent on your back! But I think it's worth it to be able to put your backpack INSIDE the tent if it rains! 


Next I bought a marathon. Yes, a marathon. And YES this counts as "stuff" to spend money on. I think I am in race hoarding mode lately. Since I have a limited (read: a suitcase) amount of space,  and am craving buying something, I am buying stuff that just doesn't take up as much space but still satisfies the purchasing urge. 

Now I just have to train. Hmmm... maybe I should have just bought a new pair of shoes instead. 


Speaking of shoes, I bought these: 

I have never tried Brooks before, but have heard good things. I just received them today and they are comfy for walking around the house but I have not tried them outside yet. I will keep you posted.


Obviously I will be doing even more running now and since it is darker earlier and Lisa and I just discussed how sometimes people don't really know where or when you went running, it can be unsafe... I am all for "safety first", so I bought this. It goes on your shoe and has your info on it in case you get injured, since I usually carry little more than my iPod with me on runs. Obviously that is not my info.


Okay, I guess that's it. It seemed like a lot since I bought everything in the same week! Here are a couple other things I want need (someday). Kate just bought a new camera and she keeps telling me about these things that are so handy and not too pricey!

This bounces the light so your flash is not so harsh. I think it's about 30 dollars as opposed to the hundreds that an external flash will cost you.


This is a remote so I can take more photos of myself, naturally. 

Wireless remote

 This lens is very wide angle and is cheaper than many of the others.

The nifty fifty

Or any of these, really. (KIDDING!)

Speaking of camera gear, I thought it would be fun to get an underwater housing for my camera. I did a little research and...they are a "tad" over my price range. The CHEAPEST one...was $1400.

So maybe THIS is more my price range. $56 for a 5 MP Waterproof (up to 10 ft) Sharper Image P&S.

So, have you bought anything exciting this week? If not, what's on your wishlist?