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Amtrak etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Amtrak etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Riding Amtrak Pacific Surfliner from Solana Beach to Los Angeles

On a recent visit to Southern California I rode Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner train from Solana Beach to Los Angeles. I enjoyed the spectacular ocean views on the most environmentally friendly, relaxing and affordable way to travel through Southern California.Here is video:And pictur...

Canada Summer 2013: Riding Amtrak Adirondack Train from New York City to Montreal

August 8, 2013 -- The trip began in Washington, D.C. where I boarded the BoltBus intercity bus service for the four hour plus ride to midtown Manhattan. I stayed with family in Battery Park City for the night and early the next morning took the subway to Penn Station to get ready for the 11-hour, 381...

Riding the Rails: Solana Beach to Anaheim

Solana Beach is home to one of the finest little train stations in all of America. The station was designed by architect Rob Wellington Quigley, and was built in 1994 to replace the depot in Del Mar, California. The main terminal is a real gem with a sleek, modern design and the platform is sunken into the earth, creating a surreal environment in which you feel as if you are underground but you are...