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trustees etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
trustees etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Sifting the Soil of Greece: Student Biographies

Sifting the Soil of Greece contains three sets of short biographies:i. Trustees of the British School at Athensii. Members of the Managing Committee of the British School at Athensiii. Directors and students at the British School at Ath...

Edwin Freshfield and Sidney Barnsley

Sidney Howard Barnsley (1865-1926) was admitted to the BSA in 1887/88 as an architectural student of the Royal Academy. He worked on Byzantine architecture in Salonica and Mount Athos as part of a project directed by Dr Edwin Freshfield, a trustee of the BSA.Freshfield lived at Lower Kingswood in Surrey and commissioned Barnsley to design a new church, 'The Wisdom of God', in a Byzantine sty...

The London Secretary (1886-1920)

The first Honorary Secretary of the BSA was George Augustin Macmillan (1855-1936) who served for ten years (1886-97). He held this alongside the same position for the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. (He subsequently became a Trustee in 1900).Macmillan was replaced by William Loring (1865-1915), a former student of the School (Cambridge Studentship, Craven Studentship), a member of...

BSA Managing Committee (1886-1918)

The original committee consisted of the following 'five members ... appointed by the general body of subscribers':Professor Percy Gardner (1846-1937) John Gennadius (the Greek Minister in London) Professor Richard Claverhouse Jebb (1841-1905) Sir Frederic Leighton (1830-96)Mr John Edwin Sandys (1844-1922)There were also:The TrusteesThe TreasurerThe Honorary Secretary'members to be nominated by each...

Cambridge and the Managing Committee

Cambridge was well represented on the Managing Committee. Professor Percy Gardner (1846-1937) was a member of the first committee: at the time he was holding the Disney chair in Archaeology (1880-87). (He was elected to the Lincoln and Merton chair in Classical Archaeology at Oxford in 1887.) This was not a demanding position. He recalled:Though technically a Professorship, the Disney post was in...

Charles Waring: BSA Trustee

Charles Waring (c. 1827-1887) was born in Eccleshall, Yorkshire. He had at least two brothers, William (born c. 1821) and Henry (born c. 1823). By 1841 Charles was living in Micklegate, York and describing himself as a 'civil engineer'. The brothers formed a company (Waring Brothers) working on railway contracts.In 1853 Messrs Waring Brothers and Shaw were working in the Central Peninsular Railway...

Honorary Treasurers of the BSA

The founding Honorary Treasurer for the BSA was Walter Leaf (1852-1927), a banker in the City of London. He resigned in 1906 to become a Trustee in place of Sir Richard Jebb who died in December 1905.Leaf's place was taken by Vincent W. Yorke (1869-1957), a former student of the BSA (1892/93, 1893/94), a director of National Provident Institution, and subsequently chairman of the Mexican Railway...

Trustees of the BSA

The three founding Trustees of the BSA were:(Sir) James Tynte Agg-Gardner, MP (1846-1928): Harrow; Trinity College, Cambridge. Chairman of the Cheltenham Original Brewery Company Ltd. Returned as Conservative MP for Cheltenham in 1885.Pandeli Ralli (1845-1928). A founding member of the member of the Hellenic Society. Returned as Liberal MP for Bridport (1875-80); and for Wallingford (1880-85). Resigned...