Mary Hamilton (1881-1962) was educated at St Andrews. Her father, Rev. William Hamilton, was the minister of the Trinity Evangelical Union Church in Dundee. (The church had been opened by James Morison [1816-93], founder of the Evangelical Union, in December 1877.) She held a fellowship from the Carnegie Trust (working on incubation) and was subsequently admitted to the BSA for the sessions 1905/06...
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ASCSA etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Cambridge and the Managing Committee
By bayramcigerli at 07:36
ASCSA, Cambridge, Managing committee, Sir William Ridgeway, trustees
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Cambridge was well represented on the Managing Committee. Professor Percy Gardner (1846-1937) was a member of the first committee: at the time he was holding the Disney chair in Archaeology (1880-87). (He was elected to the Lincoln and Merton chair in Classical Archaeology at Oxford in 1887.) This was not a demanding position. He recalled:Though technically a Professorship, the Disney post was in...