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etsy etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
etsy etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

1910 and 1920 Apron Inspiration

I found these lovely 1914 and 1922 apron images while browsing Etsy.Aren't they lovely! From a 1914 catalog. See Vintage Ad Gallery for more details.These three are from a Women's Institute of Art and Science booklet on Aprons and Caps for sale by Sew Much Fripp...

Spring Apron Inspiration

I thought we could use a little inspiration today! It is a very dreary day here. I shouldn't complain, at lest it is April Showers and not an April Snowstorm. Hope you enjoy!April Showers ApronBluebirds over DoverTulip ApronGreen Tulip ApronFloral Half ApronPeach Ap...

Apron Finds on Etsy

1930s Ladies ApronPoking around on Etsy today I came across these lovely 1930s apron patterns from Mrs. Depew on Etsy. She has quite a few lovely patterns that are French and quite a few lovely patterns that are American! One of my favorite places to visit for inspiration. 1930s Ladies House ApronI...

Reproduction Apron Patterns on Etsy

Vintage Flapper Era Apron PatternIsn't this a charming apron? I was so excited to happen upon the Etsy shop Indie Sommer which sells reproduction 1930s and 1920s apron patterns. I have not ordered any of the patterns (Yet!) so I can not recommend how the patterns is. But if any of you seamstresses have...

Shopping on Etsy

I came across this Etsy Shop the other day. She has such fun, vintage style aprons!