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Saarainodu > User Reviews5 SARRAINODU... Another SGS, LOL!

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As an ardent fan of movies, watching films like these makes me sad! Very sad!! Moreover, I don't even had a respite after the movie as yesterday was Hanuman Jayanthi and a dry day! tongue emoticon A ruthless villain who grabs innocent poor villagers lands and kills everyone who crosses his path ( I know you are already yawning!)... A hero who doesn't like anyone breaking the law except him, confronts the villain and will not fight it out in the first scene because, the cinema length should be at least 150 mins.. A heroine, who is a damsel in distress being rescued by our hero and a romance follows... A second fiddle, who is there to showcase her curves and to fill in 2 songs... A comedian who tries to make you laugh but fails and makes you feel so sorry for him...

On the top of all, cheap narration by the director which can only be enjoyed by illiterates!

I bet you can't even sit through this movie...

There is an English movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind", a Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet starrer. The basic plot is to erase the memories of each other when their relationship is not going good. Yday, while coming out of theatre I wished we had that technology. Because that way, I can erase "Boyapati Sreenu", "Sarrainodu" and many such films from my memory. I felt happy for the thought but then it suddenly struck me.. If i forget these people and films and after the process of deleting, while going home if i see the poster of Sarrainodu I may go back to see the movie? That gave me chills my friends!


Movies,Sarrainodu,Indian Movies, User Reviews

Saarainodu > User Reviews5


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