November 2, 1948 – Dewey defeats Truman!
Note= This posting is intended strictly as report on the remarkable events that happened in 1948 on this date. NO support or lack of support for either of the candidates on the ballot tomorrow is intended. "Dewey Defeats Truman" was an incorrect banner headline on the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune on November 3, 1948, the day after incumbent United States President, Harry S. Truman, won an upset victory over Republican challenger and Governor of New York, Thomas E. Dewey, in the 1948 presidential election. The President bought the paper's early edition. The... mistake was famously held up by Truman at a public appearance following his successful election, smiling triumphantly at the error. What had gone wrong at the polls? Harry Truman had been thrust into the presidency by the death of Franklin Roosevelt in April 1945. Most Americans seemed to appreciate his steady grip on the government during difficult times. But the Republicans nominated Thomas E Dewey governor of New York (above). During his time as governor of New York and during his time as New York City Dist. Attorney, Dewey had made it his business to go after mafia related crime syndicates such as the one led by Lucky Lucciano and others. Both men seemed qualified. Dewey seemed like a more steady reliable hand at the helm of government. Some papers while expressing fondness for the president could not support him. "However much affection you may feel for Mr. Truman and whatever sympathy we may feel for him in his strugges with his difficulties," said a front-page editorial in the Baltimore Sun, "to vote him into the presidency on November 2 would be a tragedy for the country and for the world." For some time polls had been predicting Dewey as being ahead of Tuman by 5 to 15 points. “We stopped polling a few weeks too soon,” said George Gallup Jr., co-chairman of the Gallup organization and son and namesake of another polling titan. “We had been lulled into thinking that nothing much changes in the last few weeks of the campaign.” Truman's 1948 Campaign: within the Democratic Party, there was some opposition Truman. After he forced a strong civil rights plank into the party platform that year Truman faced a walkout of many Southern Democrats under the leadership of Strom Thurmond,who formed a "Dixiecrat" party separate from the Democratic ticket.Similarly former vice president Henry Wallace,who favored more progressive policies than Truman formed his own "Progressive Party", and these exspected to take some points away from Truman's Democratic Party. Given what seemed a deadly three-way split the Democratic Party, Dewey decided to take the high road in his campaign speaking in generalities and vague platitudes about what a great picture that they had in front of her. The Louisville Courier Journal summed up what it saw as Dewey's bland and vague campaign by saying it could be reduced to four sentences: "agriculture is important, our rivers are full of fish, you cannot have freedom without liberty, our future lies ahead." But Truman's feisty fighting personality let him out on whistle stop campaign all across America. As can be seen in the map above Truman's campaign touched countless towns with countless speeches about his campaign. It was an Odyssey of 31,000 miles across the country and 352 speeches during his whistle stop tour and put him in personal contact countless civilians who understoodhis plain speaking style and appreciated it. Dewey was determined to avoid anything too controversial by criticizing Truman directly. In contrast to Dewey's restrained style, Truman unleashed a continuous attack upon Dewey by name, his refusal to cite issues specifically, and the "Do nothing" republican held 80'th Congress. The candidate for the most part seemed unbeatable, his outlook entirely positive. Between speeches he could lie down and go immediately to sleep however rough the road had been. "Give me 20 minutes." he would say. The strain of the campaign seemed to make him more firm even, in his purpose. At no point in the entire campaign to the staff, or the press, or even any of his family did he show less willingness to go on. The odds were all against him yet this only seemed to make him stronger. His natural optimism seemed to take over and keep them going. Several well-known and influential newspaper columnists, such as Drew Pearson and Joseph Alsop didn't believe Truman had a chance. Influential politcians said that Truman didn't have a chance and in their talks suggested which of Dewey's circle would take over which cabinet positions. But still,the unthinkable began happening! On the night of the election Dewey and his family and his staff confidentally assembled at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. There they fully expected returns coming in from all of the country electing Dewey to the presidency. Truman, used his Secret Service men assigned to him to steal away the historic Elms Hotel in nearby Excelsior Springs Missouri.There, he had dinner took a bath and went to sleep. " In the returns that started coming in Truman took an early which he never relinquished. Leading radio constantly reported that the returns were coming in from other parts of the country that would overcome Truman's lead and win the election for Dewey. Meanwhile over the radio the authoritative voices of radio commentators were reporting that the president was ahead by 1.2 million notes, but that Truman was undoubtedly beaten. Truman's staffers kept vigil over the radio for the next several hours. The tide was turning, with reports coming in that said Truman was leading by 2 million votes! They got Truman to wake up and turn on his radio radio to hear the commentator saying he didn't seem how Truman could possibly be elected since states like Ohio and Illinois which is where Dewey's base of "rural votes" was, had not been tallied yet. "We got 'em beat!" Truman said. The Secret Service got the car ready and they took a ride to Kansas City. Dewey had carried New York New Jersey and Michigan, but Truman and taken Massachusetts all the South except four states, was winning in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Colorado, He held by slim margins in Illinois and Ohio so far, and was ahead in all-important California. Dewey for his part began to realize the trouble he was in the early returns from New England and New York shows his new tallies as much less than was expected. He stayed up rest the evening and early morning analyzing the bits as they were counted. By 10:30 AM Dewey realized the jig was up at 11:14 AM he sent a kind letter of concession Pres. Truman. Clearly the pollsters had gotten it all wrong and went back to their books and came up with new ways of interpreting their data. Truman went on to serve four more eventfull years as president of the United States. But with a picture of Truman holding up the Chicago Tribune saying Dewey had defeated him in their memories, polllsters were never quite so sure of themselves again. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sources = "Truman" by David McCullough. Simon and Schuster, 1992.XXXXXX XXXXX
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