Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Weekend Roundup

  •  The 2021 annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians will be virtual.
  • A number of history departments appear to be pausing graduate admissions, as they navigate COVID-related budgetary constraints and seek to support current students. The University of Pennsylvania recently announced such a pause -- but then clarified that it does not apply to applicants for the J.D./Ph.D. program in American Legal History. [KMT] 
  • Paradoxes of Universalism, a hybrid but mostly Zoom con-
    ference on the fate of "European conceptions of universalism epitomized by the Enlightenment’s faith in the progress of reason," at the University of Helsinki, November 4–6, 2020.  Abstracts here.
  •  More on the history of race, legislation, and ICU-bed shortages: recent interview with George Aumoithe (Stony Brook University) on Amanpour and Co. on his recent WaPo Made by History piece. You can watch the video here.
  • The Historical Society of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana is hosting Reflections on the Struggle for Woman Suffrage,”  the second of a three sessions in the 13th annual Court History and Continuing Legal Education Symposium, which will take place virtually at 3 p.m. on Oct. 9, with Anita Morgan, senior lecturer in history at IUPUI.  More
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society has announced the opening of “its newest gallery, The Enforcement Division: A History. This gallery tells the story of the Enforcement Division since its founding in 1972, as its attorneys were confronted again and again not only with the fraudsters who seem constantly to plague the securities markets, but with new schemes and stratagems made possible by political, economic, and technological change.”
  • Legal historian Adnan Zulfiqar (Rutgers Law School) is guest blogging over at the Islamic Law Blog this month. 
  • A biographical sketch of the nineteenth-century lawyer Edwin Willits in the Monroe (Michigan) News.
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.


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