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Call for Applications: IEHS George E. Pozetta Dissertation Award

The Immigration and Ethnic History Society has issued the following call for applications:

The Immigration and Ethnic History Society is now accepting applications for the 2021 George E. Pozetta Dissertation Award. The award committee invites applications from any Ph.D. candidate who will have completed qualifying exams by 2020, and whose thesis focuses on American immigration, emigration, or ethnic history, broadly defined. The award provides two grants of $1000 each for expenses to be incurred in researching the dissertation.

Applicants must submit (1) a three-page to five-page descriptive proposal in English discussing the significance of the work, the methodology, sources, and collections to be consulted; (2) a proposed budget; (3) a brief curriculum vitae. *In addition, applicants must also arrange for their major advisor to submit a supporting letter.

Application materials and the supporting letter must be received by the committee by the deadline: Friday, December 18, 2020.

Inquiries and application materials should be submitted via email to

2020 Committee:
Hidetaka Hirota (Chair), Deborah Cohen, Jana Lipman.

-- Karen Tani



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