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One Year Since The Death of Duke Friedrich of Württemberg

Friedrich of Württemberg with his Porsche 356

On 9 May 2018, aged fifty-six, Duke Friedrich of Württemberg was killed as the result of a motor vehicle accident at Ebenweiler. He was trying to pass a tractor trailer in his lane, and in this attempt he hit head-on a car in the opposite lane of traffic. Friedrich, who was driving an antique Porsche, died instantly; three persons were injured in the other vehicle.

Duke Carl of Württemberg and Princess Diane d'Orléans

Duke Friedrich of Württemberg and Princess Marie of Wied

Duke Friedrich Philipp Carl Franz Maria of Württemberg was born at Friedrichshafen on 1 June 1961 as the first child of Duke Carl of Württemberg (b.1936) and Duchess Diane (b.1940; née Orléans). Friedrich's godparents were his paternal grandfather Duke Philipp of Württemberg (1893-1975) and his maternal grandmother Princess Isabelle, Countess of Paris (1911-2003). In November 1993 at Altshausen, Duke Friedrich married his sixth cousin Princess Marie of Wied (b.1973), both parties being descendants of Fürst Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau-Weilburg (1786-1816) and
Burggräfin Luise Isabelle of Kirchberg (1772-1827). 

During the course of their marriage, Friedrich and Marie of Württemberg had three children, one son and two daughters. The first to arrive was the son and eventual heir of House Württemberg, Duke Wilhelm (b.1994). Wilhelm was followed by two sisters, Duchess Marie-Amélie (b.1996) and Duchess Sophie-Dorothée (b.1997). 

The funeral of Duke Friedrich of Württemberg was held at Altshausen on 25 May 2018. It was attended by Duke Karl and Duchess Diane, Friedrich's siblings, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of the Belgians, Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein with his son Hereditary Prince Alois and daughter-in-law Hereditary Princess Sophie, Margrave Max of Baden, Prince Ludwig and Princess Marianne of Baden, Prince Berthold and Princess Stephanie of Baden, Duke Franz of Bavaria, Landgrave Donatus of Hesse, and Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia - there were, of course, many other royal and noble persons present. Duke Friedrich of Württemberg was laid to rest in a private burial.

For more on the passing of Duke Friedrich of Württemberg, please visit these links:

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