Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Apple Blossom Time 2019

It's Apple Blossom time over here! I love this time of year. And this year, I have two trees to enjoy! But we will get there in a moment....

 You don't mind way too many pictures of beautiful apple blossoms, do you? Good. I can't get enough! And alas, it is a very short season....

 The little apple tree didn't flower quite abundantly as last year. But it was a long hard winter. I am enjoying what it has!

 I'm so glad I took these when I did! Our weather has been a little more volatile then usual. The day after it was very warm and now it is back to rainy and chilly....

 The other apple blossoms I am enjoying this year, it the crab apple at the Brick House! This old tree is so huge and beautiful!

 I have been working on getting all the flower beds weeded and defined at the Brick House. It is so fun to suddenly see a shower of petals raining down!

 Mmmm… don't you love that color?

This week marks the one year anniversary of the Brick House! Even though I didn't technically buy the house this month, this is when I first looked at it and accepted the counter offer. My, what a year! I loved (almost) every minute of it! 



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