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Quit Cramping My Style!

It’s that time of year. The summer is starting to give way to fall. The Aspens are starting to glow, the air is cool and fresh, and we are all enjoying beautiful trail runs and exercising outside. If you’re like me, you love taking a little time to enjoy the outdoors before the snow starts falling. You also have probably had one of the those mornings when you are feeling your best and loving every minute when, all of a sudden, BAM, a cramp!

Leg Cramps

Jean-Robert's Gym - Stretching for SafetyGetting a leg cramp mid-stride is akin to blowing a tire in the last lap of the big race. It’s frustrating and painful. Cramps have the ability to immobilize even the best athletes. If you develop a leg cramp, stop running and walk gently. Once it’s loosened a bit do some gently stretching before you start running again.

Most leg cramps are caused by dehydration or not warming up slowly. As the weather gets colder we sometimes drink less water, and shorten our stretching and warmup because we are cold and want to get moving. This is actually the time of year when you should spend more time on these two important components. Luckily, most leg cramps go away quickly, but if you are getting them too often talk to your doctor.

The Dreaded Side Stitch

Most runners have dealt with the stabbing pain of a side stitch at one time or another. Not only does it hurt, but it can turn a great morning run into debilitating trial. Side stitches actually the diaphragm muscles having a spasm. In most cases this is because you are pushing yourself too early in your workout, didn’t warm-up, or have taken some time off.

If you feel a side stitch coming on the first thing you need to do is start breathing deeply focusing on the area affected. You want to keep moving, but slow down, and breathe deeply, making sure you fully exhale with each breath. Many of us were also taught to raise our hands above our head while running. This actually helps straighten you alignment and allows you to breathe more freely. You can also bend at the waste with your arms above you head during more severe episodes as this will help you exhale more air. While many think this was just a way for our gym teachers to have fun, it can help shorten the duration of the stitch.

Here's a helpful video as well that provides some additional information and tips:

Preparation is Key

I can’t stress enough the importance of taking extra time to stretch and warm-up as the weather gets cooler. As personal trainers we have seen even the most seasoned athletes suffer from cramps and stitches because they aren’t taking the time to properly prepare their body for exercise. Not only does this increase your chances for cramping, but can also lead to more serious injuries like strains and pulled muscles. In addition make sure you are drinking plenty of water.

See You on the Trails

Fall in Aspen is one of the most glorious times of the year. We always encourage our friends and clients to have a healthy mix of working out in the gym and outdoors. It breaks up the routine and provides extra motivation. Plus, there is nothing better than the cool mountain air and the beauty that surrounds us. If you have questions about setting up a routine that is designed for you, please give us a call. In the meantime, be safe, stretch a lot, and start slow. See you on the trails.


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