Bayram Cigerli Blog

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What a whirlwind of a week!

Hello Friday. Hello blog. I am exhausted.

I mentioned on Sunday that I would be a little MIA due to a nonstop week at work. It turned out to be busier than I thought. I have been planning a big company event for over a month now. I have done it all myself, too. Which I love that my President gives me that freedom. Event planning is serious business though; one can easily forget about all of the trivial details that you need to pay attention too! Thankfully, it all wonderfully came together. I did all of it in heels, too. My feet are swollen today. 

Monday was a pretty normal day. A little busier than usual, but not too bad. I worked out after and made sure to get in bed early. Tuesday, the chaos began. Executives were coming into town, all of the department managers were finishing presentations and needing assistance, I had to put packets together, and the list could go on. One of fun tasks on my to-do list? Shopping for the strategic meeting dinner for Wednesday. I do the shopping - I do the choosing, ha!

Wednesday was a long, long day. I worked 13 hours. It was the day before our event. I spent most of the day at my bosses farm home about an hour south of Charlotte in rural, SC. The executives were there for an offsite strategic planning meeting. I was there assisting, recording meeting minutes, and other random things. My President told me that he wanted me to create and run a blog for the company that will act as a liaison between clients, potential clients, and employees. I was very surprised to hear that, but how fitting, huh? I am so, so excited about this and I hope to "blow it out of the water". I will absolutely be putting my heart and soul into that for sure - more on that next week. Around 3PM I left the farm house, drove back Charlotte, ran some errands, did a run through of the event at the hotel, helped setup, then drove back to farm house in SC. After the meeting finished, we grilled out and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Wednesday night I finally got to bed close to midnight. Oy. Yesterday was the big company event! I found my favorite headband that has been missing for about two months so I had to wear it. I knew then that it was going to be a good day. 

The meeting went great. The hotel was incredibly beautiful, we had a wonderful view, and stellar service. I did not want it to end. We had creative presentations, team building activities, games and prizes, and I felt like it really brought us together as a company. I am really tired, but I will miss all of the planning and meetings that went along with this. 

Now I'm ready to knock out this day at work and get some rest and relaxation this weekend. Plus catch up on your guys blogs. Don't forget about my Quest Nutrition giveaway going on right now! Get your entries in!

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