Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Bathroom Medicine Cabinet

Well, here it is at last! Our bathroom medicine cabinet! I love these old cabinets and knew I needed to find one for my house. When we gutted the bathroom, we discovered a previous owner had removed the original cabinet and placed a mirror over the opening in the wall. So sad.
  Fortunately, it didn't take too much looking on Craig's List to find a lovely cabinet from a 1916 house. I was so excited to see it came with all the original hardware and glass shelves. 
It was the second item I purchased for my house. That is how much I love these cabinets, I knew I needed one right away!

The inside. Loving the glass shelves! They have such a nice vintage feel. And I had to add a little pep with dotty contact paper on the back.
I can't help mentioning these little clear containers from Ikea, the fit perfectly in the cabinet and are so handy!
We also added a towel bar for a hand towel. Up until then we had just been hanging the towel on a nail in the wall opening! 
There are still a few things that need finishing up. Mostly the trim around the door and window and baseboard. Because we don't have trim there is a gap between the wall framing and the door frame, hence the blue tape for added privacy. 
Our other project that we hurried up to finish before company arrived was the linen closet shelves. It is so nice to have storage for the towels and sheets now! We are still in a bit of a quandary as to what we want to do about a closet door. I do have the original door, that will fit, we are just trying to decide if it will make it look smaller with a door or be awkward to access. I am not too sure on just using a curtain either.....

After looking at blogs and pinterest I ran out and bought baskets for the t-paper, washcloths and other goods. It is working out nicely and I love how tidy it is keeping everything! I also found the small white wire baskets and we placed a shelve especially for them. The band aids, aspirin, combs and brushes have a place there now.
It is amazing how much a seemingly small change can make the whole bathroom look different! 



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