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Weekend Recap + Upcoming Blog Stuff

So... holy crap. What a weekend. 

It is Sunday evening, and I am exhausted. I still have to shower and prep food. I really don't want too so I am delaying the inevitable and writing a blog post instead. Well, this weekend was 100% different than it was supposed to be. Initially I was supposed to be at an outdoor, all weekend concert that I paid a LOT of money for with a girlfriend of mine that I have not seen in a long time. I even had tomorrow scheduled off of work so we could really make the best of it. I am not going to get into it, but it definitely did not turn out that way at all. But you know what, with the curve balls life has been throwing at me in personal life, I have become a champion at plan b, accepting what has happened "it is what it is", and moving on. I could tell you guys all about it, try to make y'all feel sorry for me, and self pitty, but that is not my style. It all ended up working out and I am not taking tomorrow off of work. I have a crazy week coming up so I need to be there. It is going to be awesome, I can't wait. It feels good looking forward to going to work. 

I lost 2 pounds last week - and 3.4 pounds of pure fat mass. I picked up the pieces from a bad week before and pushed on. It felt awesome. Friday after work, I decided to use that as my off day from the gym instead of Saturday. I ran so much Thursday evening that all day Friday my thighs and hips felt like they were going to pop off at any given moment. Thus I spent the evening doing a little shopping; and I would like to say "New York and Company" has become my new obsession. Friends, I think I am turning over a new leaf. After I shopped until I dropped I came home, had dinner, cleaned, and watched stand up comedy on Comedy Central. 

Saturday morning I slept in a bit and then I forced myself to the gym... but I was not happy about it. I was so fatigued; I think mostly due to plans falling apart with the concert and because I was so freaking bloated. So Friday night as I was relaxing and watching TV, I snacked on my favorite sweet potato tortilla chips. I have not had them in forever and when I was grocery shopping I picked up a big since it had been a while. They have this type of seasoning on them that I can't put into words, it's just so delicious! Well it was stupid of me - worst mistake I made all week. Saturday morning I was miserably bloated from the sodium in take. I was dealing with that then when I got to the gym, it was freezing. I hate it when I am working out, sweating, and it's cold. Cold sweat is the worst. I was in a horrible mood at the gym and truth be told, I would have rather been punched in the face than be in there, but I pushed through and got it done. 

After the gym, I took a shower and got ready. I wore my brand new outfit from "New York and Company" - I felt so classy. I like feeling classy more than I do "feeling sexy" so I think your girl here may be revamping my entire wardrobe. I bought the necklace on clearance for $2.99!

After I got ready I met my girlfriend Alexis at the movies finally see "Divergent". It was SO good. I like it better than "The Hunger Games". I can't wait for the others to come and can't wait to get the movie on DVD. After the movie, Alexis and I met her husband at a local bar beside of my apartment for dinner and cocktails. Since it was so warm, I was craving something fruity. I ordered a "Cherry Sparkler" and it was gross. I really need to stick with wine, but I don't like drinking it when it's hot outside. I'm weird like that. Ha!

I slept like a champion last night so late this morning when I woke up, I packed my bag and drove up the mountains to go hiking. I had 11 miles on the agenda and it was an awesome hike. Last weekend I told you guys how I was struggling, and today I bounced back with a vengeance. It was a beautiful and warm day, I had plenty of energy, I ran some hill intervals, pushed hard, and a bird even shit on my arm. Ha! It was an awesome day. 

After I finished I hiking, I drove back to Charlotte and went to New York and Company... again... hehe. Now I am finally home, exhausted, dirty, and need to get my things done so I can veg out to the last part of the Atlanta housewives hot mess reunion, "Total Diva's" and "Revenge."

** So, at my other full time job (besides Fitness Blondie, ha!) I have a lot going on this week. I have planned a huge event for my entire company at a gorgeous hotel. It has been exhausting and a lot of work, but tons of fun. The event is all day Thursday. Thus I have a ton of last minute meetings, shopping, and other things to do Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I will be out of town working with the executives at an off-site location. All of that being said, "Fitness Blondie" will be taking a little bit of a backseat. 

** There will be no weekly training and nutrition plan and no hump day blog hop - all of that will be back next week!

** I have teamed up with Quest Nutrition and will be giving away three boxes of their sample pack protein bars to 3 winners! I thought that "sample box" would be perfect to giveaway for you guys so you can try every single flavor they offer. That giveaway will be coming to you soon.

**AND another giveaway of a Polar FT4 heartrate monitor will be coming after that.

Tis the season!

** Lastly, I finally have a "Fitness Blondie" Facebook page. If you enjoy reading my blog, please give it a "like". Click here.


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