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BACK UP! Its Back Day.

.your lack of dedication is not welcomed in this brotherhood.

Good morning fellow lifters! It is saturday and despite your hangover you are still hitting the gym today. Even if you gotta stay in bed all day drinking water you will be throwing some weight around tonight! Stop lying to yourself now and make the steps towards giving it your all at the gym.

Aside from legs my back is my favorite muscle group to workout. The back, much like the legs, is made up of large spread of muscles. You will be surprised at how much weight you can move with your back. A lot of guys are really strong they just haven't seen their strength in play. The back will show you what kinda power you are capable of. It does a lot for your lifters ego. Plus there are so many ways to stimulate your back when lifting. Endless possibilities. Im gonna give you two lifts that are a must on back day...
1. Bent over dumbbell row.

Look at this fucking turd making brick house. With every rep he pulls you can smell the testosterone getting more pungent and thicker. This lift here is the shit man. Its a great lift to do in the gym to claim your territory. When weekend warriors, betas, and chest-n-tris' guys see you pulling this log off the floor over and over again they are gonna stay the fuck away. You can do it with your knee on a flat bench or like Cutler is doing here and rest your hand on the rack. I haven't done enough research to see a significant difference either way so "CHOOSE YOUR FATE".
 One awesome thing about this lift is you can do a pretty large number of weight. I rep with 140lbs. I first starting doing this i didn't know what weight felt right. I was repping 50lbs over and over again thinking that was a lot. I remember one time I did 80lbs and I thought I was king of the ring. then I saw some shrimpy dude a week later bossing out 125 and I was right fully ashamed. Next time I did back I swore I would give that weight a try. If that chiseled Rick Morranis looking bro could do so could I! Needless to say the 125 felt heavy but absolutely do-able. I just needed to break that psychological barrier we talked about last post. Since then I don't pull with anything less than 120. My muscles are thanking me.

2. V-Bar Pull down

 dat stringer tank.

Its rare to see this one live in the gym. A lot of people don't put the pull down machine and V-Bar together. Usually the V-Bar is used for the seated row and the lat pull down bar is used for the pull down. This exercise is awesome for the middle and upper part of your back. A crucial lift in creating those boulder shoulders and forging separation in muscle definition. Much like the single arm bent over rows you can use pretty heavy weight for this one. Check it out though, when doing this one don't swing up and down like you are doing an asshole crossfit pull up. Try to stay planted and firm in your seated stance. You want to only activate your back and shoulders. Near the end of your set you can swing a little bit to get that last pull down. Those kind of cheat reps are OK.

When building a brotherhood of Black Metal Fitness lifters. There are two things you must learn when lifting. Colors are overrated. Death to neon. If its not black or grey then its not OK. I lift in all black because its all I own and more importantly it puts off the message of "don't talk to me. we are not friends."
also if the fabric around your waist is not AT LEAST two inches above then knee then it is NOT WELCOMED!

burn all of these...
there is no room in our brotherhood for people who lift in what is essentially the Amish equivilant of workout gear. Nice ankles bro. We all know you don't do legs buster. Hiding them inside a cape with your knee socks pulled up is fooling no one. its embarrassing. If you own these please fear not. Years of oppression against men who show leg have been hammered into our skulls. We are suppose to feel strange showing off our tree trunk thighs. These haters take the guise of Alpha males but really they are just self conscious, homophobic, Chest-N-Tris guys. They have taken a strangle hold on our gym. Their claims of being "a faggot" if your shorts don't touch your knee are fucking over! put em in the ground boys! Make those shorts high and let those thighs fly.

your long shorts argument is invalid.

even the most out of shape guy in this photo is still more Alpha than 95% of the male population
sorry my shorts aren't long enough I was busy KILLING PEOPLE.

The take away from this post is get yourself some Ranger Panties or Silkies. Dont be afraid to show some skin. Even if you have chicken legs. Putting them out there on display every time you lift will serve as the ultimate motivator to dead lift and squat as much as humanly possible. The true sign of strength and Alpha male status is the size of your thighs. 




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