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This is a list of my typical workout schedule/advice. Please note that sometimes I will switch lifts on certain days depending on what I did for work, my previous nights rest, my weekend plans, or if im just not “feeling it” that day. So I recommend listening to your body. Dont force a leg day if you spent all day running around at work and expect another hard working day the next. Once you begin building solid strength, a foundation, you will find that you can push through the workouts much easier and with shorter recovery time. So I would say after a few weeks of hard lifting you can get away with putting more work in the gym. This is just a skeleton schedule that I use.

This workout is not for the weak or faint hearted. Its not going to make you some kind of super althete, professional crossfitter, or slim you up for summer. If you are afraid of bigger muscles, getting thick, solid, and tight, or dont want to lift weird amounts of weight then turn back now. Go join planet fitness and do yoga with your girlfriend. Get into long distance running, do push ups and crunches in your room and tell yourself your getting stronger.

But if you want to get noticeably bigger, watch your body change and form muscle fast, obtain energy and testostrone like never before then this is for you. This kind of lifting and eating is inspired by a primal need to protect and provide. This is an Alpha males workout. Thats the easiest way of saying it. I can attest that since taking up heavy lifting and better eating my walk has changed, my mind set has changed, and most importantly my body has changed. I feel amazing and my gains in the gym has transferred into my everyday life. I dont take shit from busters. I feel like I could have anyone woman I desire. I instincvly walk into a room and size up all male competition. My goal is to be the biggest, baddest mother fucker in the room. And If im not....I make a mental note and say “That is my competition. That is who I need to eliminate. That is my motivation in the gym. I want to be stronger and bigger than that guy.”

Welcome to the brotherhood.
Crush all fakes.
Erase the Betas.
Take whats yours.
Fuck the weak.
Get the gym that is.

First thing. The only lifts you should be concerned about are the big 3. Deadlifting, Squatting, and Benchpress. Get into the old school mind set. All other workouts you do are an accessory to improve these three lifts. All workouts are rooted in the big 3. This is were size and growth are born. Were testostrone is made. Testostrone creates muscle growth.

Im aware that most people are afraid of these lifts. Even though they are so simple they can be intimidating. You dont want to walk up to the bar day 1 and fuck your back up or sprain your knee. So start slow. Master the basic of lifting. Form is everything. When you cheat your rep, dont go all the way down, dont go all the way are cheating your gains. There is nothing more face palm worthy then seeing a guy squat down about 6 inches and then grunting back up. Making a racket in the gym like hes a beast but really hes stunting his growth and potential. Even if hes got some muscle to him hes more than likely plateaued. Im much more impressed with a guy doing low weight and going ass to grass on a squat. Thats the kinda shit that gets my dick hard.

That being said get use to being sore. Its the life of a weight lifter. I am sore or something hurts on me 100% of the time. It sucks but its part of the game. Most of the time being sore is awesome because its like an invisible trophy you carry around. Proof that what your doing is working. Everyone combats knee, back, or shoulder problems. Take some asprin, get some rest, ice up if ya gotta. But dont puss out because your back hurts. Tough shit. Sleep it off and get back in the game. Dont feel sorry for yourself. I promise you will get better at knowing your body and knowing the difference between a “tweaked” muscle and a slipped disc the longer your workout.

Start of the week:

Monday is International Chest Day. Everyone does chest on Monday. Go to the gym on a Monday and you are fighting tooth and nail for a flat bench. Dudes get fiesty trying to infalte their pecs. Avoid all of this and turn your Monday into Deadlifting Day or Squat Day. The best part about having deadlifts and squats making up 66% of your workout is that the equipment you need is almost always available. Its sad how few people do legs. Let em pretend they're strong. Take what they leave.

Stretch out! Get a roller and roll out your thighs and lower back, hit the floor and find some stretchs that make you feel good. I find that if the stretch produces a yawn then you are releasing that slow tired poison out of your body. After your stretched out and feeling loose time to grab some real estate and get to work.

Im not going to go too much into form and technique here. There are literally hundreds of websites and YouTube vidoes instrutcing you how to do proper lifts. I'll link you to a few sites but do the foot work yourself. Seek out the fundementals. I will give you this tip though. When deadlifting and squatting ALWAYS PUSH FROM YOUR HEELS. Keep your feet flat on the floor and push with your whole foot, ankle, calve, thigh, and ass. Dont let your feet raise up and push off with your toes. I did this for so long and had no idea why my knees were so over developed. Learned the hard way and had to correct years of improper form. Turns out I couldnt do as much weight as I thought when I lifted the right way.

The bible of weightlifting is The Enclyclopedia of Weightlifting by Arnold Schwarznegger . Get this book. Is has everything a meathead could want. I learned sooooo much from that book. I dont even own it I just read everyone elses copy or go to a book store, grab a coffee, and start plowing through the pages. Now that I think about it I really should own that book. I think ill finally breakdown and get myself a copy.

I dont do a certain number of sets. Im not going in there with a workbook and say “ Ill do 5 reps of this, then 5 reps of that, then 3 reps of this.” Some find that it works for them but I find that I will limit myself if I do that and settle for a few reps less than what Im capable of. I am more into the mindset of I am going to do the first couple sets pushing myself just a little to get warmed up for the bigger weight. So there isn't a specific number im aiming for. I've been lifting long enough to know what works for me.

When lifting always go up never down. You did 10 reps of 215? badass! Now do 8 reps of 235. Knocked that out and it was a little shakey? No worries knock out 4 reps of 255. You dont have to max it out everyday. You can settle for doing another set of 4. The basic idea here is to build a comfort and confiedence with the weights. A lot of guys are intimidated by the 45lb plate. They can totally do more but they havent broken that psychological barrier that plate has. So test yourself, use a spotter, dont be ashamed if you think the weight your pushing is weak. Having a spotter helps in breaking those walls you hit when lifting.

When I squat, deadlift, or bench the end game is I want to do a total of over 100 reps by the end of the workout. Sounds like a lot? It fucking is. Im walking like a baby deer when my workout is over. Im sweating, panting, and guzzling water throughout my session. Gotta push it hard and take yourself out of the comfort zone. Lifting is sadistic. Its punishing your body over and over again. I want to hit that number to know that without a doubt that I gave it my all. You will learn as you lift that you will have to adjust the weight you move in order to get that exhausted feeling by the time you hit 100.

The basic takeaway from this first installment is pushing heavy weight. Even though I said dont set a certain number of reps to hit. You aint doing shit if your doing 30 reps of the same weight. You want to hit that 10-15 rep set. Again I stress knowing your body and knowing what works for you. As you begin your transformation anything you do in the gym will get you sore and create gains.

Heres a quick idea for the week:
Monday: Deadlift,
Tuesday: Bench,
Wednesday: Squat,
Thursday: shoulders
Friday: whatever hurts the least.
Saturday and/or Sunday: Leg day or REST. Do both if you want or not. Its up to you.

This is part 1. im going to hit you up with more truth and knowledge in the coming weeks. Ill get more into specific workouts that aid in improving the big 3, proper eating not “dieting:, ideal rest plans, supplements, and whatever else I can think of.




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