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Tala Council Newsletter September 2013

I have had a number of meetings with SAPA and have finally managed to gain access to the appropriate Government ministers regarding this issue.   The Government minister has advised that he will consider our request and come back to me, but has pointed out that the Government proposes to meet with EU representatives in the final quarter of this year with a view to gaining extension of time limits for various projects, given the effect of the Troika and the financial difficulties being experienced.  
Just after my meeting with the Government Minister, the Council received a letter from SAPA advising that unless we agreed to start paying towards the sewerage immediately, they would ‘kick us out of the project’.   As a council, we have responded to the effect that Tala residents will not commence payment towards the sewerage costs, for the various reasons that have been outlined to SAPA in the past .   No further communication has been received at the time of writing this!   Once I have something to report, I will arrange a meeting to inform everyone.
In the last newsletter I advised that rather than initiate a new method of calculating how much each householder would pay, we would retain the existing system and that prices would be held at the same level as last year.    However, please note that it is essential that we all make an effort to recycle household and garden waste as otherwise the cost for refuse collection will increase dramatically in coming years.
Those who pay by standing order, please note that payment for rates and refuse collection will be taken on or around  the 20th October – an exact date cannot be given as we are in the hands of the banks as to when they process payments.
A great deal of staff time is wasted clearing up the rubbish dumped in the area around the recycling bins.  If anyone sees anyone dumping waste that does not fit into the bins, could they please take a note of the registration number and pass this to the staff in the office.    We have had one instance recently where someone has had a kitchen replaced and all the old units were thrown alongside the bins, together with old garden furniture, and other rubbish.    
You may have noticed that a number of laminated signs have appeared around the village showing a capital letter.   These signs have been installed to assist ambulances find their way into Kamares in particular.   If you notice that any of these signs have been vandalised or removed, could you please let the Kamares  Medical Centre know on 26 653328.
Colin Tremeer, a Kamares resident, has very kindly arranged to have these letters included on a map and this is now available on the Council website.  In addition, a copy of each of these maps has been included in the noticeboards around the village as they may be useful to help direct visitors or deliveries to your home.  The maps may also be useful for holiday visitors and copies can be obtained from the Kamares Medical Centre .     
With the cooler weather due, we will shortly be selecting a number of green areas for planting.  Further information will be provided either in the next newsletter or by email.  
Can I make everyone aware that there have been several instances where animals have been poisoned around Tala.  In one particular case, someone left poison out on the pavement and this resulted in the death of two dogs.    Allegedly the poison was laid to get rid of some feral cats which were proving a nuisance.   The Council does not condone poisoning.  If anyone has a problem with feral cats, please contact the council as there is a trap which you can borrow and the cats can then be caught and removed to an animal welfare site in Paphos, or, if space permits, the Monastery site.  
Leading on from the above item, the Council is receiving an increasing number of complaints regarding dog fouling, both on the pavements and on public/green areas.    In addition, the council employees themselves advise that cleaning green areas is particularly unpleasant, not only in respect of the smell, but when they use strimmers, they get covered in mess.  All dog owners are reminded that by law they must pick up after their pets.   If you are aware of a particular problem in your area, could you please make the Council aware as offending owners will be fined.
Membership – current membership will run until 1/1/2014 and will then be renewable.     €20 for an individual, or €30 for husband and wife membership.   Members are automatically entitled to a free tea, coffee or soft drink and a snack each day that the centre is open.    They will also have the opportunity to go on any trips organised.     As a special offer, if you join SKE now, you will be entitled to membership for up to 16 months as your membership will not expire until 1/1/2015.  Membership forms are available from Cathi or at the SKE centre.
Current events:
Monday – knitting and craft
Tuesday – exercise
Friday – exercise
Bingo – will take place approximately once a fortnight, usually on a Tuesday evening.  There is a board outside SKE showing the date and time of the next event.
Cookery classes – if you are interested in attending cookery classes at the centre, could you please contact Cathi at  If there is sufficient interest, it is hoped to have a class once a week, possibly on a Wednesday morning.    Initially the classes will relate to Cypriot cuisine, but it is hoped that Tala residents of all nationalities will be willing to share their recipes and cookery skills.  A small charge will be made to purchase materials.
Could those of you who are members please contact Cathi with your up to date contact telephone numbers and, if you have one, email address.   She can be contacted on 26 653132 or at the email address shown in the previous paragraph.
As previously requested, SKE will always welcome donations of:
Bric a brac
Oddments of knitting or tapestry wool, buttons, ribbons, etc
Old cushions and pillows [used as stuffing materials]
Financial support to enable the centre to operate as no Government funding is available.   Registering for membership will help SKE financially.
Items should be left either at SKE or the Council offices.  Registration at SKE only please.
Dog owners are reminded that by law they should have a licence for their dog.  Such licences are renewable annually at the Council Office.
Could I also remind dog owners of the need to pick up after their dogs as we get constant complaints about fouling of pavements, green areas, play areas and parks.  Could you also ensure that your dogs are walked on a lead and not allowed to wander the streets.
You will have noticed that the area below the school has been improved and a pavement installed.  We are also in the process of installing stone faced walls where we can on the main road leading up to the new Church to complete the work started by the previous council.
With regard to the village square, the Church commissioned some designs with an architect.  One of these involved a tunnel underneath the square but this has been rejected because of the cost.  A design based on a pedestrianised square has now been approved by the Council and the plans are  with the District Office.  As the design involves changes to the road system in and around the square, the traffic department will also be involved.  The Architect expects us to have feedback/approval within 6 to 9 months and once everything is finalised, details will be published.
The debacle regarding this tax continues with further amendments by the Government recently.  At the time of writing, this tax applies to those who have their title deeds for their property.
 The minimum €75 per person has been waived.  Properties with a 1980 value up to €5,000 are exempted from this tax.  The tax is, therefore, payable on property valued at €5,000 plus only.   To qualify for a 10% prompt payment discount, payment must be made by 15 October.  A 10% surcharge will apply for payments made after 15 November.
Full details of the tax [updates will be provided as they are available] and copies of the relevant forms/examples in English can be found on  
The tax is payable to the Tax Authority in Paphos.  The office is in the new building opposite New York Sweets and close to the Law Courts.   As you go in the front entrance, turn immediate left or right and the staff in those offices will assist you with the necessary paperwork.  If coming in from the entrance at the rear, stay on the ground floor, walk past the reception desk and the appropriate offices are on either side of the exit door.
Non-residents owning property should send an email to stating:
- Their names and contact details (permanent address and telephone number)
 - Details of the property (Land registry reference on the Title Deed and address)
The Inland Revenue will send them the forms to complete and return.  If these are in Greek, please visit the site mentioned above to obtain English translations.

Regarding the Local IPT [payable to Tala Council], again at the time of writing, the District Office maintain that this continues to be payable.   This is payable annually once you have your title deeds.  No reminders are issued but we are reviewing the office computer system to see if this can be changed for the future.   This tax is payable now.  To assist the staff, please have the Tala reference number available when you call in to pay.  If you are a first time payer, please have your title deeds with you when you call into the office.
A new law came into effect on 3 June 2013.  From that date all newvehicles must have their registration plates in a specific format [white plates front and back and including the year and month of first registration in Cyprus.  For motor cycles and mopeds plates will be fitted to the rear only.  For taxis the plates will be yellow and for hire cars, red.].   In addition, all motor cycles, mopeds, taxis, heavy trucks and vans with an A licence must change their plates to the new format by 3 December 2013 or face an €85 fine.   The plates cost €30 a pair [€15 for mopeds/motor cycles] and are available from specific Department of Transport authorised businesses only:
G Drousiotis Car Accessories                                                             26 947336
Demou Bros                                                                                          26 938003
Andreas K Christou                                                                              26 947833
IS Pentaras Rentals                                                                              26 952151
CPM Electragora                                                                                  26 322870           
The plates are prepared and fitted on the spot.  You will need to take your vehicle registration book and ID of the owner with you.   With regard to private cars, there has been no change in the law for the time being, but if your plates are lost or damaged and have to be replaced, they will be in the new format.
The registration plates of motor vehicles owned or operated by the Ministries or Departments of the Republic of Cyprus, Services and Directorates under them [apart from the police, the National Guard and the House of Representatives] will also display new style plates with the appropriate crests and letters denoting the different departments. They will be orange with retro-reflective properties and a blue border.
Please note that in previous years the period for payment of this tax has been extended by a month or two.   This year, if you do not pay your road tax by 31 December, an automatic fine of €50 will apply! 
With effect from 1 August, those residents with E121 marked on medical cards (these are currently pink) will continue to receive treatment at Ministry of Health public hospitals in Cyprus as before.   However everyone  (Cypriot/non-Cypriot) will be asked to pay the new visit & prescription charges.  These health charges will  need to be paid with health stamps available from General Post Offices and Hospital Registries.  Holders of E121 medical cards will not need to change them until they expire [or by 31 October 2014 if they have an expiry date], when they will be replaced with the new health card.   Those who have cards with no expiry date will need to replace their card by 31 January 2014.
The Ministry of Health advise that they will be issuing information on health charges on their website in English shortly.   Website:
Could you please note that the park is pretty full at present but, if they can, they will accept cats and kittens.  However, we have also been asked to request that no-one takes any cats up to the site and leaves them without first speaking to Dawn.   The dangers of dumping a cat or kitten into the colony are many.  Infections are the main concern and if the volunteers  are not aware of the dumping they cannot keep an eye on the cat in terms of health. 
The organizers are always in need of donations of food, preferably cat biscuits of any brand. They are also desperate for volunteers to clean, brush and care for the cats and  undertake general upkeep of the park, or to organize fund raising activities as the costs of food and vets bills are high.  If you have some spare time and are willing to assist with any of these activities, could you please contact Dawn on 99 253430, or via the website
There are also cats available who would love a caring home.  Cats are available free of charge, but it is recommended that they are taken to a vet for a health check.  Most vets undertake this service free of charge.
There will be an Open Day at the Centre shortly and details will be emailed once available.
The Church has authorized the necessary works to complete the room underneath the church, the car park and the exterior finishes.  As a result, it is hoped that the room under the church will be available to the community for greek dancing and exercise classes.  If anyone is interested in participating in either of these events, could you please contact Cathi.
As a thank you to Tala residents for their support, parties will be held at my house on Saturday 5th October and Saturday 12th October, starting at 6pm.  An open invitation is extended, but to allow for catering, could you please let Cathi or myself know if you will be attending.   Contact Cathi by either email or phone [ 653132] , but by phone only to me please [99 529584]. 
The last two shows of the season are on 21st and 28thSeptember.   The All New Jersey Boys [the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons].  This concert takes you on a musical journey through the Four Seasons biggest hits including Sherry, Oh What A Night, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Walk Like a Man, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, and Frankie Valli’s smash solo hits My Eyes Adored You and Grease.
Tickets €10, available from the SoEasy Kiosk in Tala, Outlet Stores [Mesoghi Road and Chlorakas], Hearns Book Shop Coral Bay, Peter Morton Removals [at the Konia Roundabout], or from Cathi [for collection on the door on the night] on 26 653132, or
BOOGIE NIGHT UNDER THE STARS – Tala Square Friday 13 September.  Entrance €5.  With DJ Double U – mainly 70’s and 80’s music, with some 60’s.  8pm to 1030pm.  Funds raised to Tala Welfare Fund.
CHINESE NIGHT – Kamares Club Friday 13 September.   Tickets €25 with entertainment by Ronnie Barone.  Tickets from Kamares Club Bar 26 652277 or In Any Event 99 387311.
ABBA DANCE PARTY – Vatouthkia, Saturday 12 October.  Tickets €20 including 3 course carvery buffet.  Due to high demand, this will be the third production of this show within the month.  The few remaining tickets are available from Vatouthkia, SoEasy Kiosk, or by contacting Derek Towner on    
HALLOWEEN NIGHT with Neil James – Vatouthkia, Saturday 31 October. SOLD OUT!  Tickets €20 including meal.  To be put onto the waiting list, please contact Derek Towner on  Please advise when booking where you would prefer to collect your tickets – Vatouthkia, or SoEasy Kiosk.   Dress code -  Halloween, or a combination of red, orange, black & white as best you can.  Broomstick parking available!
HALLOWEEN NIGHT  with magic show by Christian Everett and DJ Boycie’s Monster Disco – Kamares Club Saturday 31 October.  Tickets €25 including free draw ticket.  Tickets from Kamares Club Bar 26 652277 or In Any Event on 99 387311.
TRAMPS & TARTS SOIREE WITH EASY DUO – Vatouthkia, Thursday 28 November – details available shortly
XMAS PARTY WITH TAKE 2 – Vatouthkia, Friday 13 December – details available shortly
CHINESE BUFFET & SHOW – Vatouthkia, Saturday 18 January – details available in due course
ART DISPLAY BY LOCAL ARTIST – 28 September to 7 October
From small beginnings in a bungalow in Tala, art classes were available to all ages and levels for many years.   Established in 2010 by Elli Lestas, ROOM for ART  is a friendly arts centre providing expert tuition, and is now located in Coral Bay, Peyia.   Elli is an experienced visual  artist ( BA , MA ) with many years of teaching experience in both Cyprus and England.
Room for Art wishes to give students and other amateur artists the chance to show off their work. In addition to the permanent display by students, there will be works from other artists exhibited during the coming year.
Maro [or Maria] Savvidou, known to many as the smiling face at the Community Board Offices , is a self taught artist and keen creator .  Despite a very busy life style she has managed to produce a good body of work . The work that will be on display is a collection of Cypriot Genre paintings on old wood panels that Maro collects from old houses. They are of people and portraits and evoke a sense of the past villagers that occupied the houses in the villages.
Maro’s Exhibition will open on Saturday 28th September at 1.00 pm , and will run until Wednesday 7thOctober.   All are welcome to call in to Room For Art to see the display and for refreshments.  A percentage of any proceeds from the event will be donated to SKE.
Room For Art is located on the Coral Bay Coast Road, opposite Hearns Book shop and behind New Roots Nursery.  Information,, Facebook or 99 039796
A Xmas Bazaar will be held on Sunday 8 December and further details will be provided in the next newsletter.   It is also hoped that we can arrange a carol concert, either in the new church or the room under the church, and again details will be provided later.
Council website:
Next Issue 14 November 2013                                                                                          Areti Pieridou

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