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Do you have Comfy Bed Syndrome?

Get to the Gym with the Help of a Friend

Friends help get you to the gym
Come on, we're all friends here, you can admit it. You were planning on working out today, but you just couldn't get out bed. We all understand, we've been there. It is tough to move when you are comfortably snuggled in your blankets, pets haphazardly placed upon your body and the sun just starting to peak through the window. The solution will not only make you healthier, but happier as well.

Find a Workout Partner for Fitness

A workout partner will encourage you to get up, get out and to finish what you told you would do. Perhaps misery loves company, but odds are you're less likely to let someone else down than yourself. Whatever the reason, having a partner helps keep you motivated and they will help push you harder.

Make Working Out more Fun!

Teaming up will make your exercise program more fun as well. Having someone to talk to, joke with and just plain be there, will make the time go faster and help build a stronger relationship. In addition to helping to hold you accountable, in addition you will both have someone to share the success.

Where to Find a Partner

Start with someone you know that won't let you get away with multiple snooze button hits or using the "I had a hard day at work" excuse. Look for someone at the gym when you there. You never know you just might find a new friend. Still can't find a workout partner? Contact us about a Personal Trainer or try one of our great Group Fitness Classes.

Whatever you do, don't give up. Get out there, get fit, get happy!



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