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Hard Core Workout // No Pun Intended

I know we're headed into fall and winter - however that's no reason to start slacking on the washboard abs. Just because you won't be religiously spending your weekends at the pool or on the lake anymore doesn't mean that you get to start ignoring these muscles! Get busy!

Cable Crunch – 30 seconds

15 seconds of rest

Side Bends – 30 seconds

15 seconds of rest

Crunches – 3 sets of 15

Reverse Crunch Curl – 3 sets of 15

3 rounds

Your core is compiled of 4 different parts; Rectus Abdominus, Oblique, Intercostals, and Serratus. It’s imperative to work each of these muscles in order to achieve a solid core. The following exercises will target each of these areas so you can start seeing some washboard abs!

Rectus Abdominus: 
§  Location: Covers the area from sternum all the way down to the pelvis bone.
§  Exercises: Crunch or Sit Up

§  Location: Side of the waist.
§  Exercises: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches

§  Location: Between the side of the rib cage. It comes into play when you flex the torso and twist from side to side.
§  Exercise: Air Bike

§  Location: Between front abs and lats.
§  Exercises: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches

*Keep in mind that your diet and cardio will need to be in check in order for you to see abs.

Your core muscles repair quicker that the rest of your muscles allowing you to work them daily without muscle deterioration.


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