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Book Confessions

My favorite book of all time is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

I wanted to be just like Francie Nolan and read all the books in the library, starting from authors who's names start with "A". 

I used to go to Barnes and Noble and write down quotes from my favorite books. My friend and I would spend hours doing this some nights.  

My dad used to leave me at the library as he ran errands. I used to love chilling in the beanbag chairs and reading Choose Your Own Adventure books (the only ones short enough to "finish" before he picked me up). 

My aunt is a librarian. I want to be just like her when I grow up. 

Even when I go camping and have to carry all my things on my back, I always carry a book (and sometimes two!) I carried a book while hiking the Himalayas. 

I own about two dozen Lonely Planet books.

I am a member of two online book clubs.

My first library card was a piece of paper with my name typed on it. I recently went back to my childhood library and asked them if they would still take that one. They made me get a new one (I still have the old one though!) 

My mom is my reading inspiration.

My grandma is too. Plus her house smells good.

I remember going to visit my grandma in Massachusetts in the summertime and we would take a walk to go to the pond to feed the ducks, to the penny candy for some loot, and always to the Library! 

My favorite books I had to read in High School: The Three Musketeers, To Kill a Mockingbird

The Jungle made me become a vegetarian. For 15 years.

Some of my other favorites not from high school: Les Miserables, Hiroshima, Corelli's Mandolin

In 2011 I read 66 books.

I never read the Babysitters Club.

I did read Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and lots of VC Andrews.

My favorite childhood authors/books were probably Beatrix Potter, CS Lewis, Shel Silverstein, Charlotte's Web, Winne the Pooh, and Paddington Bear

Childhood Books

This year I have spent $0 on books. That is not to say I haven't WANTED to spend money, but so far, I have abstained.

I went to Oscar Wilde's grave site in Paris.

My brother got me a Kindle for my birthday last year. I love it, but I still love real books!

My next book on deck for reading is  Alice Schroeder. It weighs about 47 pounds. It is NOT on my Kindle. I may need a chiropractor when I am done lugging it around in my purse. Hopefully it will be a quick read. It's only about 700 pages.

I cannot read more than one book at a time. I don't understand people who are reading two or three at once. 

There are 218 titles on my Goodreads "to-read" list. For every one I take off, I add two more.

I read the Red Badge of Courage in Spanish.  It took me about 8 months.

Little Women made me cry the second time I read it. I was on an airplane. It was a little bit embarrassing. 

I do read books more than once.

I have never read Moby Dick. It's on my Kindle though.

I am a late bloomer. I don't usually read books until they have been out for a while (I just read The Handmaidens Tale this year).

I will read anything. I do love a good murder mystery, WWII historical fiction and books that teach me something without being boring.

I am a book hoarder. I recently gave away 4 boxes of books. I still have plenty more.

Some of the Plenty More

I just checked 6 books out from the library. It was not on purpose. They were all put on the hold shelf at the same time. I probably will not finish them all before they are due.

Current Library Haul -- Run + Buffett

I think I've read almost all of Stephen King, John Grisham and  Elizabeth George's books.

I am currently reading

I almost always finish the book I am reading, even if I don't like it. There have only been a couple books I did not finish. One of them was Catch 22

I keep a list of the books I've read each year.

Right now the only reading I am doing is on the bus. This equals about a half an hour a day. It is not enough.

I love how the Kindle has a built in dictionary. No more penciling in the margins!

*Inspired by Amy and Rachel.

Are you a reader? What's your favorite book? Confess your reading "sins"!


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