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Ally's Favorite Fall Foods - and yes they are Healthy!

It is fall and I am realizing how much I love fall foods!

Butternut squash is one of my all time favorites.  Butternut squash is low in calories, high in fiber and a good source of calcium and potassium.  You can roast it (my favorite way to cook it), bake and mash it or even better, roast and mash it and add it to some chicken stock to make soup!

Pumpkin is also a very good source of calcium and potassium, low in calories and adds great flavor to just about anything!  I like to add pumpkin to my oatmeal and this time of year, I like to make pumpkin spice smoothies for breakfast.

Sweet Potatoes!  I love sweet potatoes just about any way you fix them.  I prefer them baked without a lot of added butter or sweeteners.  If you toss lightly with olive oil and roast them, they sweeten on their own and have great flavor.  I also like to bake sweet potatoes and add themto orzo or quinoa to make a great winter night dinner.

Turkey - we are approaching the turkey season, but I eat turkey all year round.  I love turkey sandwiches on sandwich thins. I like to make turkey wraps in the high fiber, low carbwraps with arugula and a bit of salad dressing. I also like turkey on top of a salad.  My husband will smoke a turkey and that is by far my favorite way to eat it!

Brussels Sprouts! You all know how much I love Brussels sprouts.  I like to roast these to bring out their natural sweetness, but I also like to steam them and snack on them during the day. You can also slice them finely until the leaves look like spinach and saute it.  This is the only way my husband will eat them!

Broccoli - also great this time of year!  Steamed is the best way to eat your broccoli. It preserves nutrients and keeps it from getting soggy like boiling does.

One recipe I really like is Dirty Broccoli.  You steam the broccoli and set aside.  Then in a sauté pan, heat up a bit of olive oil, a tiny bit of butter, and add bread crumbs. Cook until brown and then toss the broccoli in the browned bread crumbs.  Easy Peasy!


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