Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Guatemalan Sun God

I purchased what I think is a Guatemalan antiquity when I was in Chichicastenango in March of this year:

Chichicastenango Sunday Market via Travelmoon

I wanted to mount it on a base similar to these Vicente Wolf examples:

Images via Lifting the Curtain on Design
In Wolf's book, Lifting the Curtain on Design, he speaks of finding objects and having them mounted on a base by a vendor at the Bangkok Sunday Market.  I would love to have access to that resource but since I don't see a trip to Bangkok in my near future, short of making one myself I have never found a source to make one for me at a reasonable price.

Then, I saw these examples that seem much more manageable to pull off.

Either mount the piece on a plain lucite base:

Or on a wood or steel base:

I think I may finally be able to take on this project.


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