Bayram Cigerli Blog

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The capital of war torn Afghanistan is one of the oldest cities in Central Asia. Kabul is situated on the Kabul River and is one of the highest capital cities (1800 m - above sea level) in the world. The history of Kabul dates back to the legendary times of epic Ramayana when Kubha is mentioned as the founder of the city. Lying at the crossroads Kabul was always victim of invasions and civil strife. During the reign of Kushanas the city must have been a place of importance since it led the way to their winter capital of Peshawar. In the vicinity of Kabul was the famous Begram, which had attained its prominence of being an important center of the eastern Hellenic Art. Kabul rose to importance when Mughal Emperor Babur made his capital and since then it inter-acted with various ruling dynasties. The recent history of Kabul is painful being subjected to incessant civil war and lately under the wrathful rule of clerics.

The Nation’s chief economic and cultural center, it has long been of strategic importance because of its proximity to the Khyber Pass. This city grew as an industrial center after 1940 and the main products of this city were textiles, processed food, chemicals and wood products, Tajiks are the predominant population group of Kabul and Pashtuns are an important minority. Kabul University, which is now partially opened, was founded in 1932 and during 70’s and 80’s it was the best known in the region for higher education.

Kabul was occupied by Soviet troops in 1979 and later it went through the toughest and most disastrous civil war of its history from 1992 to 1996. Taliban later ruled the city from 1996 to 2001 before the Northern Alliance took over the city as Taliban withdrew from Kabul after the American intervention in Oct 2001. Currently, Kabul is the capital of Transitional Government being led by Mr. Hamed Karzai.

The city of Kabul, which used to be a tourist attraction, has lost its charm during the last 24 years of its history. Infrastructures such as roads and traffic system, telephone and electricity system, water sanitation, renovation of buildings is in shambles and the need for reconstruction is very much needed to bring back the city to a better place for living.


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