Bayram Cigerli Blog

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Would you like to know the EASY part about getting in shape?

  • Sleeping in, waking up late, and grabbing a Pop-Tart, and heading to work instead of waking up at the crack of dawn, knocking out your fasted cardio, drinking a protein shake, and heading to work.

  • Going out to eat during your lunch break instead of taking a 30 minute high-intensity Spin class, showering up, and heading back to the office.

  • Deciding to have those 2 margaritas everyone else is drinking while you're out on the town (even though you know your trainer won't approve).

  • NOT going for those 2 final reps on the V-squat machine because the cute guy you see in the gym every afternoon will see you pulling a funny face while you're straining.

  • Going through Whataburger on the way home instead of eating the 4 oz. of salmon and asparagus you already prepared for yourself.

  • Eating out of that jar of mini candy bars the secretary at work has at her desk.

  • Putting 225lbs on the bench press when you know you can do 245lbs for 8-12 reps because you are "not feeling it, today".

  • Not working out "too hard" because your out-of-shape co-workers and friends will say you are "overdoing it" when you walk just a little bit funny because of an intense leg workout (even though they know NOTHING about self-motivation and drive!).

  • Making up a lie out of embarassment as to why you are eating the "same old meals" every day or every other day instead of admitting you are eating for a purpose: to look EXACTLY how you imagine yourself!

  • Deciding to go out to eat with your friends even though you know you will not wake up early and feel like working out the next day.

  • Making a trip to the vending machine and purchasing a Cherry Coke instead of drinking the ice-cold water you have in your cooler.

  • Saying you had a "hard day at the office" and heading straight home, leaving your workout partner high and dry at the gym.

  • Sleeping in on Saturday instead of taking your cardio class because "you have children and it's hard waking them up."

Would you like to know the DIFFICULT part about getting in shape?

Looking at yourself in the mirror after realizing, yesterday, you wasted an opportunity to change it all around....

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