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Living With Royal Bengal Tiger in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, a South Asian country surrounded by India, Mayanmer and Bay of Bengal possesses the world's largest mangrove forest, Sundarban and plenty of Royal Bengal tigers in it. It is in Khulna, the second largest sea port of the country. Since it is next to India and lack of English practiced in that region of Bangladeshies, people think most Royal Bengal Tigers are from India and the name of Sundarban in Bangladesh remains unknown. Along with spotted deer Royal Bengal tiger is spotted there in Sundarban, Khulna. Tigers' footprint is seen even more on the mud. There are many incidents that tigers attack the villagers at night or during honey collecting. Honey collectors have different experience with the powerful tigers.

One or two of their family members or neighbors are attacked by the sharp paws or teeth of tigers. As a caution they wear mask at the back of their head, so Bengal tigers think that they are watching them from their eyes at the back or men have two faces that might scare them. Wearing masks at the back of their head is a common practice for the honey collector in Sundarban, Bangladesh. Honey in Sundarban is of high quality and of great demand and that motivates these poor honey collectors to brave their lives with these Bengal tigers. Often the incident of tiger attacks appears in the newspaper. There were couple documentaries on Sundarban's interesting facts.

The way the villagers catch fish is another amazing story. Instead of net or hook, some of them catch fish with otters. Those villagers tame the otters and make them go into the water bodies. They grab fish and bring it to the owner showing their loyalty by not eating the fish. As a reward at the end of the catch the fishermen give them few fish to eat. That is how their contribution is traded. The interesting and scary lifestyles of people living there make Sundarban a wonderful tourist spot in Bangladesh, visited by thousands of people each year.

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