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Bangladesh etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Bangladesh etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Natural Beauties of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country having a total area of 147570 sq km. Although it is a small country, it is enriched with natural beauty and resources. Those who love nature and natural beauty come here to take pleasure. Every year thousands of people come from various countries to see Bangladesh and to...

Discover the Beauty of Khagrachhari

Khagrachhari, also spelledKhagrachari, can be reached by road and most visitors on their way to this magnificent part ofBangladesh travel to Chittagongfirst, as it is the closest city to Khagrachhari. Dhaka is just over two hundred and sixty kilometers away, but the distances traveled...

The Largest Mangrove Forest in the World

The largest mangrove forest in the world is Sundarban. It is located in the two south Asian country between Bangladesh and India. Most of the part of Sundarban is in Bangladesh. The area of Sundarban is nearly 10,000 square kilometer on which 6000 kilometer is situated in Bangladesh and rest of the...

Sylhet - Bangladesh

Sylhet or Srihatta (land of beautiful huts), as this region was originally known as, became the sixth administrative Division of Bangladesh in the year 1995. This division is situated in the North eastern portion of Bangladesh and is flanked on three sides by India and on the western sides by Dhaka...

Living With Royal Bengal Tiger in Bangladesh

Bangladesh, a South Asian country surrounded by India, Mayanmer and Bay of Bengal possesses the world's largest mangrove forest, Sundarban and plenty of Royal Bengal tigers in it. It is in Khulna, the second largest sea port of the country. Since it is next to India and lack of English practiced in...

Khulna - Bangladesh

Khulna, which happens to be the third largest industrial city in Bangladesh, lies in Khulna district, on the banks of the Bhirob and Rupsha rivers. Since Khulna district happens to be a part of the largest delta of the world, this city continues to be a major source of attraction for people all over...

Interesting Destinations and Places to See in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh, and considered as one of the major cities on South Asia. It is located on the banks of Buriganga River, and has a vast population of over 12 million. The city is called the "city of mosques". Dhaka is also known as the producer of the finest "muslin" in the world,...

Dhaka - A Mega City of South Asia

Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh and is considered a mega city of South Asia. The city was known as Jahangir Nagar in the period of Mughal Emperor Jahangir. The bustling city is the key attraction for all the travelers and tourists visiting Bangladesh for the first time in their life. Apart from...

Cox's Bazaar - Bangladesh

Cox's Bazaar is the most popular tourist destination of Bangladesh. It became a district in the Chittagong Division in the year 1984. The Cox's Bazaar town serves as the district headquarters. The cross-section of people comprises of this place. This town is 150 kms south east of Chittagong and is about...

Chittagong - Bangladesh

Chittagong, or Chottogram or even Chantga, as the city is known locally is the second largest city in Bangladesh, after Dhaka, the capital city. Chittagong is believed to mean the 'mouth of the Ganges'. It can be called as the commercial capital of Bangladesh. Chittagong is one amongst the six administrative...

Chittagong Naval Beach - Beauty of a River Meeting the Sea

The Naval Beach is not that much popular as it is not considered as traditional travel destinations such as sea beaches, mountains or waterfalls. But trust me; you would not be able to deny its beauty having seen it!I would recommend starting the journey, which should not take more than 40 minutes from...

Tourism In Bangladesh

A tourist is a person who visits a place for pleasure. Nobody knows him in the place where he visits. He is a newcomer. He goes to foreign land in order to gather knowledge from different historical, tradition and cultural places.A tourist is a stranger but a visitor is a known person. The purpose of...

Bangladesh Tourism - The Longest Natural Sea Beach: A Great Place for a Bangladesh Vacation

What might be the reasons one would choose Bangladesh to be the place of their next vacation? Is there anything special to talk about? Anything to be remembered after the vacation? Anything special that cannot be enjoyed anywhere else? Okay, let me tell you then. Yes, there are. Bangladesh Tourism...